Stuck In The Friend Zone? 10 Signs You Should Make A Move and 10 Reasons Not To
When To Make A Move
Navigating feelings for a friend can be tricky, especially when you're unsure if they feel the same way. Sometimes the signs they’re interested are subtle and if you read them wrong, you risk ruining your friendship. However, if you do things right, you could find your forever partner. Here are 10 signs you should make a move and 10 that say you shouldn't.
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1. They Get Jealous
Do they get a bit weird or change the subject when you talk about an ex or bring up someone you find attractive? This is a sure sign that they like you as more than a friend.
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2. They Remember Little Details
Sure, plenty of friends will remember things that are significant to you and it doesn’t necessarily mean anything other than they’re a good friend. However, if they remember every little thing down to the most minute detail, that’s a sign they care a little deeper.
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3. They Tease You
Playful teasing is one of the main forms of flirting. It subtly creates intimacy and affection between the two of you and could mean they’re interested.
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4. They Touch You
If they find little excuses to touch you, whether it’s to wipe a crumb off your shirt or fix your hair, chances are they’re into you. Maybe you’ve always been affectionate friends and you don’t think it means anything, but ask yourself–how does it feel when they touch you?
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5. They Make An Effort To Look Nice Around You
If they clearly put effort into their outfits or put makeup on ahead of meeting up with you, it could mean they want to look good for you. If you want to check whether that’s the case or if they just do this all the time, try dropping in on them unexpectedly while they’re hanging out with another mutual friend and take note of their appearance.
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6. They Compliment You
Friends are often nice to each other and pay each other compliments. However, if they compliment you more frequently than your other friends, it’s a sign they have a crush on you.
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7. You Start Communicating More Frequently
Have you noticed the two of you are texting or calling each other a lot more frequently than you used to? Are you receiving “good morning” texts from that person? This is a good indication you’re often on their mind and not just as a friend.
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8. They Prioritize Hanging Out With You
Does it seem like they’re always free for you? Maybe they don’t have a lot going on in their life, but more likely, they move things around to make time for you. This is a sure sign they not only love hanging out with you, but they want something more too.
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9. They Tell You Everything
If it seems like you’re always the first person they tell when something happens in their life, it’s a sure sign their feelings run deep. Are they always the first person you want to tell things to as well?
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10. Your Mutual Friends Have Noticed
Do you find your mutual friends poking fun at you for clearly having a connection with this person? If other people are noticing, chances are it’s already moving in that direction.
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Now that we’ve talked about some of the subtle cues that say “yes” to making a move, we should cover, the clear “no’s.”
1. They Avoid Your Touch
If they seem to squirm away when you go for a touch or simply don’t respond positively, that’s a sign they’re not interested. On the other hand, they might just be shy about physical affection, so keep reading for other signs.
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2. They Talk About Their Crushes With You
If they often talk about people they’re interested in with you, sorry, but it means their romantic focus is elsewhere. They’re clearly telling you about it because they see you as a friend and nothing more.
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3. They’ve Recently Gone Through a Breakup
Unless it’s clear to you that their recent breakup had something to do with their evolving feeling towards you, don’t make a move if they’re just getting out of a relationship. This is a time when they’re most vulnerable and it would come off as insensitive.
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4. They Call You “Buddy”
If they use “friend” terms like “buddy” or “dude,” it’s a good indication that they see you as a platonic friend. If they use these terms, it’s probably not without meaning–it’s a purposeful message that they don’t want any misunderstandings.
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5. They Say You’re Like A Brother/Sister
No one has romantic feelings about family members. If you’ve heard them say you’re like a brother or sister to them, definitely don’t make a move.
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6. They Talk About How Much They Value Your Friendship
If they’ve told you how much they value your friendship, chances are they’ve noticed your romantic gazes. They want to make it clear they don’t want you making a move, potentially ruining a friendship they cherish.
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7. They Encourage Your Dating Life
Do they ask you about your dating life and seem encouraging when you talk about other people? This probably means they genuinely want you to pursue someone else.
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8. They Ignore Your Flirtations
An easy way to tell if they like you in “that way” is to try some subtle flirtations. If they don’t respond to your advances, they probably don’t see you in a romantic light.
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9. Their Friends Aren’t Encouraging
If you’re really stumped, ask their friends if they think you should make a move. After all, who knows that person better than the people they confide in the most? If their friends aren't encouraging in their response, they’ve probably told them they’re not into you.
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10. They Avoid Certain Topics
There are some subjects of conversation platonic friends just don’t breech. If they steer clear of deeply personal or intimate topics, chances are they want to keep you relationship in the friend zone.