Halloween is just around the corner, the best time of year to break out your favorite scary movie, unnerving book, or nail-biting TV show. If you're in the mood to creep yourself out a little bit -- you've come to the right place.
From the potentially paranormal to the spooky but understandable, these are the creepiest real life stories from round the world, as told by those who witnessed them. Don't turn the lights off!
33. The way is shut
32. The ghost hitch hiker
31. Either they didn't believe you or they didn't want you to talk
30. "My baby boy was gone"
29. When a door opens...
28. A voice in the dark
27. Nearly caught a big one
26. "I knew there was something really wrong with these two"
25. Some things you just can't hide from
24. Float on
23. The house on the hill
22. The nose knows
21. Seeing stars
20. A benevolent spirit
19. Enter sandman
18. "Be a good girl for mom"
17. On a dark desert highway
16. A race to lock the door
15. Never seen again
14. A terrible first memory
13. In your own words
12. The bomb squad
11. The faceless ones
10. There's always a backstory
9. I'm gonna tell myself it was a mountain lion
8. Animal intelligence
One time our family dog ran away. He was super shy and scared very easily (we got him from an animal testing lab.). So we gathered all friends and family which we could get our hands on and shortly after he bailed there were numerous search parties (all together about two dozen people) looking for him.
After a whole day of searching without any sign of the dog, the sun was setting slowly, I was standing on the edge of the forest, where I searched and called for the whole day, and suddenly saw a deer about 30 feet from me staring directly in my eyes. We stared at each other for at least a minute, no move and no sound, then I asked with a smoothing voice “did you happen to come across a lost beagle?” I
swear to god, the deer nodded and looked down on the ground. Then it jumped away into the woods. I was thinking to myself that I just imagined that nod and the dog could not sit next to the deer without making any noise. But I could not not check, and yes, there he was sitting in the exact spot, scared to death and shaking of fear.
I gasped and cuddled the dog, took him on my arm and looked into the woods where the deer disappeared. There it was again, starring at me, directly in the eyes! I had tears of joy and was so unbelievable grateful while at the same time confused. Since that day, I never ate deer again.
7. This is what locks are for
6. "If the police hadn't been there, this is what would have gone down"
I was on a 15-hour bus trip from the Yucatan to Chiapas in Mexico with my family. It was late at night, and after several hours of driving we stopped at a gas station to go the bathroom, grab snacks, etc. It would have been like any other trip, however I noticed there was an unusual amount of police.
When we got back on the bus, the driver informed us that the police had received a tip that our bus was being targeted for a robbery by Mexican bandits. They would escort us.
We drove and drove for hours up a nauseatingly winding road, on the side of a cliff. One police truck in front of us, and one behind us, armed to the 9's. I was on high alert, but after a while I dozed off. That was, until the bus came to an abrupt stop. I remember peering out the front window, and seeing a series of large rocks placed strategically across the road. Everything was dark, save these rocks being illuminated by the bus lights.
If the police hadn't been there, this is what would have gone down:
Step 1: Bus driver disembarks, tries to remove rocks.
Step 2: Mexican bandits kill bus driver, or holds hostage.
Step 3: Bandits board bus.
Step 4: Rob, assault, kill.
I was 17 years old, white looking female, (I'm a halfie, and the rest of my family is Mexican, or looks full Mexican) and even then I knew what would have happened to me. Kidnapping for ransom would definitely not have been out of the question, and assault a high guarantee. We were in the middle of nowhere on a bloody mountain. If the policia weren't there, would I be here to tell this story? Probably not.
5. The rock monsters
This happened about 6 years ago. A couple friends and I had decided to go out into the woods and build a "base camp". We brought axes, machetes, fuel and a tent. We walked deep into the woods and spent all day cutting down trees and building a makeshift fence.
Being idiots as it became dark we realized we had no way to see. We started a fire and I realized if we pour some fuel into a small can we can light the fumes at the top and create a torch. We made several torches and placed them in the surrounding woods. It got very dark and we needed more logs for the fire so I was out about 20 meters from our camp I could hear my friends talking.
I was swinging at the tree when I felt something hit my back. I froze and turned out around staring into the dark forest right at the edge of lights from our torches. I saw nothing and I assumed something had fallen off the tree and hit my shoulder. Right as I was about to swing something hits me in the back of the head and it hurt enough to make me swing around again. I saw a rock at my feet and I was terrified now.
Turning back to walk towards camp I could hear my friends and see the light from the fire. I kept turning my head looking into the darkness about halfway to camp a rock flew by me, missing my head by inches. I ran back to camp and told everyone and they saw the terror in my face. We sat for awhile before more rocks came. We couldn't see anyone or anything; just rocks flying into camp.
Needless to say we didn't sleep, just chilled in the tent holding machetes and keeping a big fire. There were so many rocks in the morning, the thought still terrifies me. We were deep in the woods no one else should have been out there. I want to say it was a person but we didn't hear anything or see anything. Just so many rocks.
4. I seriously worry about what happened to that woman
This happened when I was living in Indonesia, to set the scene. If anyone on a minute off-chance knows this woman or someone has told you this happened to them please do pipe up. It's obsessed me since it happened and I think about this woman every day.
So, we had a house for a while that was a bit like a wedding cake. On top was a little snug/nook room a bit like a ship's crows nest, you could see for ages around. We were in the middle of an empty, square patch of land and it backed on to an unused field, big, flat, open, nowhere to hide. No trees lining it, just more flat fields and then a tall back wall. A wall about 4 feet high separated the field and my house.
One day, late afternoon, I'm up there just relaxing and I hear these blood curdling screams. "Help me! Help me!" Just like that, a woman, probably Australian/Kiwi screaming in English. I've never heard anything like it.
From my nest, I can see her running across the field at the back, kind of limping, pretty sure she was bloodied, messed up either way. She was about halfway across when I saw her. I ran down to the ground floor and towards the field and she was gone, no sign of her at all. It took me all of about a minute, if that. I was gunning it down there to get to the field but she had just vanished.
Nowhere to be seen. Unless Usian Bolt was pursuing her, it is incredibly, incredibly unlikely someone came into the field, grabbed her and pulled her back out without me having seen them. Pretty much impossible really.
I sent my house security out to look for her. I stayed in the field looking and they went towards where she came from and over the wall she had to have climbed over to get into the field. It was an unused holiday villa and they found a sandal and a bit of blood, nothing else. There was blood on the wall where she climbed over but nothing going the other way, so I know I didn't imagine it or make it up.
We called the police and they came and had a look and they also found nothing. Posters went up and stuff, nobody got back to us or anything.
God only knows what happened when I was coming down those stairs but I know it can't have been good.
3. "We need to leave right now"
So, this happened senior year of high school. My best friend and I were at her house (which was way up in one of the canyons and she had a long, windy driveway). We had been there all day and her mom had gone out and she and I were supposed to go meet a couple friends in Hollywood that night.
Anyways, we had been goofing around all day and watching scary movies at whatnot and we started to get ready. Her bathroom had one of those his/her double sink deals so she was near one and I was at the other. All of a sudden I got the creepiest feeling, like, all of the hair on my arms stood up and I had this sudden feeling of panic. To this day it is the most terrified I have ever been. I was putting on eyeliner when it happened and I caught her eye in the mirror and said, "We need to leave. Right now."
I thought she would be like, 'what? you're being ridiculous!' But instead she said, "I know." My blood ran cold when she said it. We left so quickly that we just grabbed what was in front of us. We booked it out of her house and down the driveway (which we weren't supposed to be on because her mom had just had it repaved) and her car was parked down on the street.
We rounded the curve in the driveway and there was an SUV parked dead center in the middle of the street without its lights on. Suddenly, the lights turned on full blast, the SUV blared its horn and took off. We scrambled the rest of the way down (totally ruining the new paving) and were getting into her car and calling the police when her mom pulled up right behind us.
To this day, I do not know if it was a robber or what, but the fact that she and I both got the sense of dread at the exact same time creeps me out to no end.
2. A spider in the garden
1. "I was on high alert: someone had vanished and this guy had just appeared out of the blue"
Cody, Wyoming, midnight.
I had just finished a very long day at work. I am a medical courier, and I am regularly on the road, staying in hotels, and life is never dull. This particular evening I wound up on a 500mi drive that ended in Cody.
It had been cold, it was December after all and this is Wyoming. The roads had been very so-so that night; they weren't clear, but they weren't treacherous. It was one of those drives in the dark where you are on edge the whole time. Staying alert for 500 miles in the dark, on roads that were nearly abandoned at this time of night, with light snow and heavy winds -- it takes a lot out of a person. This particular week it had been very busy.
The drive to the patients house was up a windy slick road, and the drive was uneventful. After I had dropped the medicine off to them, I called the boss to let them know I had made it in and was heading to a hotel to get some sleep. Pretty usual conversation, we talked briefly about how much they would reimburse me for the hotel room. They always say $80-$100. Not too much.
I however am 31 and a good night's rest, a good free breakfast, and a nice AM soak in a hot tub are requirements for when I catch myself in a hotel room. I know that by the time I get to the hotel I have put on serious miles, so I treat myself. Tonight I pulled into a chain hotel I have stayed at 3 or 4 times now, so I am familiar with the place. I had called ahead about 8 hours before when I was leaving Denver to call and book a room, and let them know they should be expecting me at midnight. I walk into the hotel with my bag, dusting off the snow that had fallen on me while I got my stuff out of the car and walked inside.
Its very quiet, there's no music and the TV isn't on in the lobby. I wander to the counter, leaving a trail of wet shoe prints behind from coming in out of the snow into the lobby, my shoes squeaking as I approach the counter. When I get to the counter there is no one there. On the counter is a bowl of ice cream, with a brownie from the restaurant connected to the hotel, the local paper is open to the comics page, and the Sudoku is half filled out with a pen sitting there. Hanging on the back of the chair is a small lady's coat with fake fur fringe around the hood; on the floor next to the chair are a pair on smaller pink and black Nikes, and a black purse.
I figure that the receptionist is in the bathroom, so I stand at the counter quietly, waiting on her to return. I fiddle with my wallet getting out my card to pay for it and my ID. I scroll on my phone and hook to the free wifi. 5 minuets go by. Then 10. At 15 minuets the phone starts ringing. I still had no idea where she was, and I had begun to get irritated. It had been a long day and I wanted to get rested before I got up and drove home in the morning.
After the phone stopped ringing and I started to get frustrated, I began to wander around the lobby, and behind the counter shouting, "Hello, is any one here?" as loudly as possible. The area behind the counter is an employee only area. I venture back behind the counter where a hallway leads to the back of house area connected to the offices, staff elevator, bathrooms, laundry and the restaurant. I venture down the hallway shouting hello, still no one answers. It is now 12:30am.
As I return to the counter and begin looking for a posted phone number for a manager, the phone rings, the cordless phone still laying next to the paper she had opened. Frustrated, and exhausted I answer the phone, hoping it's someone who could tell me where the woman is who is supposed to check me in. It's not. It's another guest, who had tried calling earlier for a wake up call in the morning. I explain to the gentleman on the phone my situation, and how I cannot help him. He states he is coming to the lobby to help me look for the "girl" at the counter. I had not found a number to call.
Five minuets go by and the strange older man, with odd glasses and long unkept hair comes into the lobby from the first floor hallway. At this point I had been behind the counter, and had been shouting to the point I feared I may wake up other guests. I had wandered through the back area, the lobby and the front part of the restaurant, all while shouting, and no one responded.
This guy gave me the creeps. I was exhausted but on high alert; there was an employee missing, and a creepy guy who just happened to appear at the same time she is missing. Feeling nervous about this gentleman, I stay prepared for any strange behavior and keep myself at least arm's distance from him the entire time. I explain where I have looked. That I have yelled.
At this point I begin to go through what I call "worst case scenario preparation". This guy could've easily overpowered a small woman. I may be standing here with a crazy ,an. I keep my space, and my back towards the main entry just in case. I am a grown man, just under 6ft, I have had self-defense courses, and I have a CCW (Concealed Carry Weapon) after encountering a bear at a patient's house in the fall. I have no reason to believe I am in immediate trouble but this guy just gives me the creeps. It is at this point I debate calling the cops. Its now 12:45am.
The gentleman tells me, "Maybe she's in the bathroom." To which I respond I had thought that myself, but I had walked by and yelled loudly when I walked through the back and no one responded. He insists we check the bathrooms. My red flag goes off and I put another foot or two of space between us as I let him lead us down the hallway to the employee bathroom. My heart and mind a racing at this point: did this dude kill her and now he's gonna try to kill me? I start to worry about my safety as we go down a hallway that leads to small rooms with only one exit in and out. We reach the bathroom.
He knocks and announces himself, then opens the door. The bathroom is empty. We check a few more rooms and the elevator and find nothing. We venture back to the lobby where I stand behind the counter looking for any phone number that could be a manager or supervisor.
After about 10 minutes I find a number and someone answers, Its now 12:55am. The half asleep voice on the other end of the phone is the maintenance woman for the hotel. Confused as to who I am and why I am calling I explain the situation as the creepy man stands on the other side of the counter staring at me in a dead cold manner. The maintenance woman says she will be there in 10 minuets or so. I hang up the phone.
I walk around the counter still confused, looking at her stuff there, as if she had just vanished. Its at this point I decide to wander towards the lobby/seating for the restaurant. Once in the doorway I turn the corner and down at the end of the booths there are a pair of legs hanging out of the booth. I had walked within 15 feet of there while checking around before the creepy guy showed up.
I see her legs hanging and instantly the pit of my stomach turns sour and a sense of dread comes over me. Suddenly the creepy guy walks right up by me. Thinking the worst, I take a few quick steps away from him and down the row of booths in the dark restaurant. With him at the other end, I look in the booth where she is laying. She is maybe 20 and very pretty. I shake her foot, she doesn't respond. I shake again, saying 'HEY!" Nothing.
It's at this moment, as the creepy guy starts down the booth that I finally feel I may need to defend myself. I kneel down to draw from my ankle holster as he quickly comes down the row of booths, and it's at this exact moment the girl wakes up and accidentally kicks me in the chest knocking me gently on my butt and stopping Mr. Creepy in his tracks.
She had been asleep. Mr. Creepy was just a guest. Moments later, the Maintenance Woman arrived and by 1:15am I was in my room trying to decompress.