Start Acting Your Age: 20 Things You Need To Stop Doing When You Hit 30
It's Time To Celebrate Hitting Your 30s...By Making These Changes
Some people stress over hitting the big three zero, but we're here to tell you life only gets better from here. After playing around and trying new things in your 20s, you're more than prepped to take on the next stage of your life. To help you better transition to this new era, we've got some tips for you. Here are 20 things you want to stop doing by the time you hit 30. Trust us, it'll definitely make things run more smoothly.
1. Sleeping Too Late
Gone are the days of sleeping at 3am and waking up at 7. While staying up late was fun while it lasted, you're probably noticing your days are getting harder and harder with such little sleep. If you want to function at your best, try to get those 8 hours in!
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2. Holding On To Toxic Friendships
Say goodbye to friends who treat you poorly. As you've gotten older and have experienced more friendships, you should be able to tell the difference between a good and bad friend. Not one wants that kind of negativity in their life - it's time to cut them loose.
Photo by Morris Fayman on Unsplash
3. Ignoring Your Family
It's not a nice thought to have, but the time you have with your family is limited. Don't take them for granted. Stop skipping all those family meet-ups and bonding time with your parents. Treasure the moments you have with them, especially as you get older - they're only getting older too.
Photo by Kadyn Pierce on Unsplash
4. Spending Your Money Like There's No Tomorrow
We know how great that first pay cheque you get in your 20s is. Getting paid thousands of dollars feels pretty good, right? And while giving yourself some freedom to spend your hard-earned money is totally okay, by the time you hit 30, you might want to consider slowing down. It's time to start thinking about all the future expenses that might get thrown on your plate soon.
Photo by Avery Evans on Unsplash
5. Ignoring Health Issues
Whether it's physical, mental, or emotional, it's time to put all your health issues at the forefront. Your wellbeing should always be your first priority, and while being in your 20s emphasizes that "work hard, grind hard" mentality, you need to remember to put yourself first.
Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash
6. Holding Grudges
It's okay to be upset, but it's also important to understand what it means to forgive. Do you really want to lose someone close to you over one argument you can't set your pride aside for? Stop holding grudges and reconnect with people that are near and dear to you. Especially if they're ones you want to be with for the rest of your life.
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7. Caring Too Much About Your Relationship Status
There's a common stereotype where people nearing their 30s should be married or getting close to it. To that we say, forget it! Focus on yourself and your needs. Who cares if you're single and just figuring yourself out? Take all the time you need and don't rush into things. Your relationship status should be the last thing worrying you.
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash
8. Skipping Exercise
We get it, after a hard day at work, there's nothing more inviting than your comfy, warm, cozy bed. If you feel like snuggling up in there for the next 3 hours, we don't blame you! That being said, we encourage you to fight against it. As you get older, keeping up with your exercise and physical activity has never been more important. You've got to keep your body up and running for the years to come.
Photo by Kinga Howard on Unsplash
9. Not Drinking Enough Water
If there's one thing we can't say enough, it's always remember to hydrate, hydrate, and hydrate. Drinking water is key to having your body function smoothly. And as you get older, you know there's nothing more important than staying healthy and energized. Trust us, drink your daily water count and your body will thank you.
10. Being Flaky
We know you've got a busy schedule, but that doesn't give you an excuse to be flaky with your friends and family. If you say you're going to show up, put in the effort to show up! By the time you turn 30, it's a good idea to improve on this behavior. People won't want to set aside their precious time for those who don't return the favor.
11. Not Knowing How To Invest
Don't just put your money in a savings account that's making very little return, learn how to invest it so you can profit even more! We know it's difficult learning the ins and outs of proper investing, but trust us, you won't regret it (and neither will your bank account).
12. Being Afraid Of Commitment
We won't deny that being in a relationship is difficult, but by the time you turn 30, others around your age might be looking to settle down. If you have issues with commitment, you may face some difficult problems when dating. So instead of forcing yourself to be in a relationship that's reaching a dead end, take some time to focus on yourself and how you can improve on this.
13. Procrastinating
Surely we've all learned to stop procrastinating since leaving high school, right? We're just joking - we know it's a bad habit many people have. And it's a hard one to break. With so many things going on in our daily lives, sometimes we all just want to pause for a minute. But because of that, we end up putting things on hold for much longer than we'd like. So if you really want to get things done, it's time to start moving.
Acharaporn Kamornboonyarush on Pexels
14. Making Excuses
At 30 years old, you're definitely old enough to know that you should own up when you make a mistake. There's no need to make excuses. It's far better to act responsibly and maturely.
15. Not Setting Goals
Never underestimate the power setting goals can have. It gives you something to strive for and keeps you motivated during the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Not only does it keep you organized, it also lets you know how far you're progressing and if you're heading in a direction you want.
16. Being Too Hard On Yourself
Ease up! Life is full of challenges and everyone makes mistakes. We're hoping by the time you turn 30, you know this well too. So instead of beating yourself up, learn ways you can do better the next time around. There's no need to be too hard on yourself; all it'll do is damage your mental health and lower your self-esteem.
17. Skipping Your Skincare Routine
You're not going to like the sound of this, but as we get older, it starts showing on our skin. Wrinkles, saggy skin, and fine lines are all legitimate concerns to be wary of. The best thing you can do to prevent/minimize these changes? Following a proper skincare routine every single night. Just think of it as pampering yourself!
18. Asking Your Parents For Money
Surely at this age you're able to support yourself, right? Unless you're currently dealing with a difficult situation, there shouldn't be a reason you're still borrowing money from your parents. They've got their own things to pay off like mortgages and retirement plans.
19. Staying In Unhealthy Relationships
We've said this once already in this article, but always remember to put yourself first. If you're being treated poorly, it's time to move on. Say farewell to those toxic boyfriends or girlfriends that are just plain abusive or mean. You're 30 now and it's time to make the next decade all about improving and loving you!
20. Gossiping
Let's be honest, everyone loves getting the "tea" but hates being on the receiving end of it. Why? Because it's just plain hurtful hearing others talk about you. After 30 years on this planet, you probably know that gossiping is no good. Spreading lies and rumors for no reason is just rude and something you want to leave behind as you enter the next stage of life.