Would You Follow Any of These 25 Weird Parenting Practices?

Would You Follow Any of These 25 Weird Parenting Practices?

There are so many different cultures and traditions around the world, it shouldn't come to you as a surprise that parenting styles and techniques vary too. But from our Western standpoint, there are a couple of pretty controversial and shocking methods that are adopted across the globe. Let's explore 25 of these unique parenting practices that will definitely surprise you!

1. Baby Yoga in Russia

In Russia, some parents practice baby yoga, which involves swinging and flipping infants to improve their physical flexibility and strength. This unusual technique is believed to enhance motor skills and coordination, though it's met with controversy elsewhere.

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2. Forest Kindergartens in Scandinavia

In Scandinavia, especially Denmark and Sweden, forest kindergartens are quite popular. Children spend the majority of their day outdoors in all weather, engaging with nature. This approach is believed to foster independence, resilience, and a deep connection with the environment.

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3. Polterabend - Plate Breaking in Germany

Before a wedding in Germany, a tradition called Polterabend involves breaking porcelain to bring good luck. Some parents include their children in this practice, teaching them about cultural traditions and the importance of community involvement from a young age.

1024Px-Scherben (Polterabend)Stefan-Xp on Wikimedia Commons

4. Co-Sleeping in Japan

In Japan, it's common for children to sleep with their parents in the same bed, a practice known as co-sleeping. This method is thought to strengthen the family bond and provide a sense of security for the child.

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5. Baby Tossing Ritual in India

In certain parts of India, there's a tradition of gently tossing babies from a significant height into a blanket held by a group below. This ritual is believed to bring good health and luck to the child, though it's viewed as quite unconventional elsewhere.

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6. Silence is Golden in Kenya

Among the Kikuyu community in Kenya, parents do not engage in baby talk. They believe that speaking to babies as if they were adults encourages maturity and respect. This approach is quite different from the baby talk common in many Western cultures.

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7. Weaning Parties in Mongolia

In Mongolia, when a child is ready to be weaned off breast milk, a special celebration called a "weaning party" is held. This unique tradition marks the child’s transition from infancy to toddlerhood and involves the entire family.

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8. Midnight Sun Playtime in Finland

In Finland, during the summer months, parents take advantage of the midnight sun to alter their children's playtime schedules. Children are often allowed to play outside late into the night, benefiting from the extended daylight. This unusual schedule is embraced due to the country's unique geographical location and is seen as a way to maximize outdoor activity during the short summer season.

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9. Toilet Training from Birth in Vietnam

In Vietnam, some parents start toilet training their children right from birth. They use cues like whistling sounds to associate with going to the toilet. This technique is believed to lead to earlier independence in bathroom habits.

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10. Pasung, Avoiding Sunlight in Bali

In Bali, a tradition called Pasung involves keeping newborns off the ground and away from sunlight for the first few months. This practice is rooted in the belief that newborns are still close to the sacred realm and should be protected from earthly elements.

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11. Animal Role-Playing in Botswana

In Botswana, some parents encourage their children to engage in animal role-playing games. This unique approach to playtime is not only fun but also educational, as it teaches children about the local wildlife and their behaviors. By imitating animals, children learn about nature, develop empathy for living creatures, and enhance their imaginative skills.

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12. Crying Nights in Japan

In certain Japanese towns, there's a tradition known as "Naki Sumo" or 'crying nights' where babies are encouraged to cry as part of a sumo wrestling event. The belief is that crying wards off evil spirits and promotes good health in children.

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13. Jokkmokk Winter Market in Sweden

In the Swedish town of Jokkmokk, parents bring their children to a winter market where temperatures often drop below freezing. This practice is thought to acclimatize children to harsh weather conditions, promoting resilience and adaptability.

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14. Amish Rumspringa in the United States

Among the Amish communities, teenagers undergo a rite of passage known as Rumspringa. During this time, they are allowed to experience the outside world before deciding whether to commit to the Amish way of life permanently.

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15. Mass Infant Swimming in China

In some parts of China, mass infant swimming classes are held where babies are taught to swim from a very young age. This method is believed to enhance physical development and early independence.

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16. Samoa’s 'Fa'asamoa' Tradition

In Samoa, the 'Fa'asamoa' tradition involves young children being cared for and raised by their older siblings. This practice strengthens familial bonds and teaches responsibility and caregiving skills to the older children.

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17. Norwegian Ski Jumps for Toddlers

In Norway, it's not uncommon for toddlers to be taught to ski and even do small ski jumps. This early introduction to extreme sports is thought to instill confidence and a love for outdoor activities from a young age.

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18. Korean First Birthday Weight-Lifting

During a Korean child's first birthday, a tradition called 'Doljabi' is practiced where the child is encouraged to lift objects of significance. It's believed this predicts the child's future profession and fortune.

Korean Culture-Doljanchi-02by lesterhead on Wikimedia Commons

19. Tibetan Sky Burials' Exposure

In Tibet, as part of understanding the circle of life, children are sometimes exposed to sky burials - a practice where the deceased are offered to vultures. This exposure is believed to teach children about the impermanence of life and the importance of spiritual beliefs.

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20. 'Guarapo' Chewing in Colombia

In some rural areas of Colombia, parents chew sugarcane to make 'Guarapo', a traditional drink, and then feed it to their babies. This practice is thought to help in weaning and introducing the baby to solid food.

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21. Lullabies for Language in Iceland

In Iceland, there's a charming tradition of singing lullabies in ancient Icelandic. This not only soothes the baby but also ingrains a deep linguistic and cultural heritage from an early age, connecting children to their historical roots.

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22. Walking Sticks for Toddlers in Papua New Guinea

In Papua New Guinea, toddlers are often given walking sticks to aid in learning to walk. This is believed to encourage independence and coordination. The sticks are not just tools but are also imbued with cultural significance and are often beautifully decorated.

Fernanda-Greppe-Oasftfcykys-Unsplash (1)Photo by Fernanda Greppe on Unsplash


23. Community Naming Ceremonies in Ghana

In Ghana, naming a child is a community affair. The ‘Outdooring’ ceremony on the eighth day after birth involves the entire community, where the baby is introduced, and elders bestow a name. This practice solidifies the child's place in the community and celebrates new life.

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24. Spitting for Blessings in Turkey

In some parts of Turkey, it is customary for adults to lightly spit on a child. This practice, far from being disrespectful, is actually meant to ward off the evil eye and is considered a blessing, ensuring the child's good fortune and health.

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25. First Laugh Party in Navajo Culture

The Navajo people have a beautiful tradition where the first time a baby laughs, a party is thrown by the family. This event, usually hosted by the person who made the baby laugh, celebrates the child's first steps into a fuller engagement with the world.

E-Hillsley-T3Fmrv2Gqbq-UnsplashPhoto by E Hillsley on Unsplash