As much as we’d love to avoid them, a mid-life crisis comes knocking one day. You hear about them all the time, but no one can prepare you for the potential mood swings or financial recklessness—which is why we’re here to break down common signs of a mid-life crisis and what you can do about it.
1. Extreme Sadness
Mid-life crises often come with pretty heavy mood swings; with so much change and realization happening at once, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Sadness takes many forms, but this hurdle usually comes with apathy and self-consciousness.
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2. Impulsive Changes
Whether it’s a hairstyle or an entirely new career, mid-life crises typically come with drastic changes to compensate for feelings of nostalgia or regret. Reinvention can vary from person to person, but almost everyone is driven by the same causes.
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3. Nostalgia and Regret
Intense nostalgia or regretting missed opportunities comes with the territory. While it’s natural to occasionally look back at the “good old days,” mid-life crises generally come with stronger emotions that encourage impulsive action.
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4. Increased Irritability
Frustration at everyday tasks is a common mid-life crisis sign—the anger usually stems from some sort of dissatisfaction with how your life currently looks. If you can’t make any sweeping changes to your situation, the lack of movement can manifest as anger.
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5. Feeling Trapped
Speaking of dissatisfaction, feeling “trapped” in your current situation is another common red flag. Those stifling feelings can apply to anything from your job to your relationship, and often signal that you want some kind of change.
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6. Questioning Beliefs
Mid-life crises can also affect lifelong beliefs. Your mindset may change about how you see family or relationships, and those glaring differences usually mean you’re in the thick of a crisis.
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7. Trouble Sleeping
With so much on your mind, it’s harder to fall asleep; mid-life crises come with all kinds of changes and strangling feelings, which keep the brain awake during down time. If you find yourself staring at the ceiling, it’s worth keeping an eye on.
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8. Physical Symptoms
So, now you’re sleep deprived on top of everything else…and here come the physical symptoms. Headaches, performance issues, or even weight changes can all make an appearance at such a stressful time.
9. Financial Recklessness
The unfortunate reality is that mid-life crises can sometimes come with hefty bills—sudden gambling, investments, or debt for large purchases usually indicate something larger. In most cases, these purchases are often used to soothe the negative emotions of your crisis.
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10. Obsessed With Appearance
Different hairstyles, obsession with weight, and total wardrobe makeovers are just a few of the ways mid-life crises can impact appearance. Though the odd change here or there isn’t unheard of, reinventing your entire look is usually a sign of something more.
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Now that we know what some of the signs are, let’s dive into a few ways to deal with them.
1. Professional Help
Mid-life crises can be scary and interfere with important relationships. Sometimes the best thing you can do is seek professional help—working with a therapist helps identify triggers and which coping mechanisms are best.
2. Travel More
Exploring the world can provide a fresh perspective on life. Traveling can help you break out of that seemingly monotonous routine or reconnect with those closest to you. You don’t need to go halfway across the world either, simply getting away for a while can do wonders for the soul.
3. Simplify Your Life
Decluttering is important at any point in life, but it can be especially freeing during a mid-life crisis. Reducing clutter can give a sense of calm and help you focus on what’s most important to you.
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4. Practice Gratitude
It’s hard to feel grateful in the throes of a mid-life crisis, however, flipping the narrative can get you back on track. Gratitude journals or simply expressing appreciation for loved ones can improve your well-being.
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5. Set New Goals
On the flip side, mid-life crises can open the door to new goals—refreshed personal or professional goals can redirect you, so long as they’re realistic. Keep incoming goals aligned with your values to ensure you’re truly motivated.
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6. Physical Activity
There’s a difference between an obsessive new gym routine and simply introducing physical activity into your life. Heading out for nature walks or trying simple regimens can significantly reduce stress and keep you healthy.
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7. Self-Help
Mid-life crises is usually a good opportunity for personal development, too. Self-help books, seminars, or even coaching can help you navigate life’s obstacles in a healthy, supportive environment. It’s also helpful to know others have gone through the same thing.
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8. Explore Creativity
Creative outlets like writing, painting, or music can not only help you express yourself, but can also lead to new hobbies. Therapists recommend creative expression for all sorts of hardship because they’re often a good stepping stone to healing.
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9. Discover Hobbies
Speaking of hobbies, creative pursuits may not be for you—but that’s okay! Plenty of opportunities exist, including things like learning new languages, joining a book club, or traveling. New hobbies are a terrific way to break out of your routine and reignite your passions.
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10. Get a Support System
Whether it’s a therapist or reconnecting with loved ones, a proper support system sticks with you. Mid-life crises come with all kinds of upsetting ups and downs, but the right people will help you through it.