The Road To Improvement: Healthy Lifestyle Changes You Need To Consider Making
Healthy Choices Go A Long Way
Living a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to be complicated, but it can make a huge difference in how you feel from boosting your energy to improving your mood. Simple tweaks to your daily life habits can help you be the best version of yourself. So, get off the couch and leave the bag of potato chips behind: here are 20 healthy lifestyle changes you should consider making.
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1. Drink More Water
The body is 60 percent water consuming enough of it is an important component of good health. The optimal daily amount of water is 2.7 liters for women and 3.7 for men, so don’t forget your water bottles!
2. Drink Less Alcohol
Alcohol is a toxic, psychoactive substance and is even a carcinogen. Needless to say, it’s not very healthy and should be limited or eliminated. The benefits of sobriety include better sleep, focus, energy, skin, weight loss, and mental health.
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3. Prioritize Sleep
Sleeping seven to nine hours a night is another key component of good health. It improves cognition, and mood, boosts immunity, and even staves off deadly illnesses like heart disease and obesity.
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4. Don’t Smoke
This one should come as no surprise. Smoking is poisonous and addictive. It has many harmful consequences like lung disease, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.
5. Take Probiotic Supplements
These beneficial bacteria contribute to maintaining a healthy gut, but the benefits go far beyond the stomach. They also help boost your immunity, contribute to heart health, and help you lose weight.
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6. Exercise Regularly
Whether it's cardio or strength training, even incorporating as little as ten minutes a week can improve your overall well-being. Not only is it good for your body, it’s good for your brain as well, distributing beneficial proteins to your neurons.
7. Reduce Screen Time
Reducing screen time can do wonders to improve overall well-being by reducing strain on the eyes, and improving sleep, and posture. What’s more, spending less time watching TV frees up more time for socializing.
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8. Take Small Breaks
No matter how busy your day is, prioritizing small breaks, even if they’re just two to three minutes, is a key factor to good health. It can help cognition, focus, productivity, and–if you’re getting up and moving around–physical health too.
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9. Meditate
Meditation is a great way to soothe your mind and body and improve your memory and awareness. It may also help reduce symptoms of stress-related illnesses like PTSD and irritable bowel syndrome.
10. Cook Your Meals
As opposed to eating out, cook your meals. Usually, the foods we cook at home are much lower in sodium and unhealthy fats. Plus, it can be fun and inspiring.
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11. Take Omega-3 Supplements
Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fatty fish and flax seeds, but taking supplements is a simple way of ensuring you’re getting enough of them. They have numerous health benefits including easing depression and anxiety symptoms and improving eyes, heart health, and cognition.
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12. Eat More Whole Grains
Opting for whole grains instead of refined ones has been shown to protect against heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Some examples include oats, whole wheat bread, and bulgur.
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13. Reduce Sugar
Sugar is full of empty calories that spike your blood glucose levels. In addition to helping you lose weight and look your best, reducing your sugar intake can also help you feel your best by improving your mood and energy.
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14. Eat More Fruits and Veggies
Aiming for that rainbow of fruits and vegetables is a great way to manage your weight and boost your immune system. They’re packed with vitamins and minerals your body needs to function.
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15. Plan Your Meals
Planning your meals ahead of time is a great way to make healthy eating choices and ensure you get all your daily nutrients. Not to mention, it reduces your stress if you already know what you’re having for dinner.
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16. Prioritize Social Connections
It’s easy to get carried away and distracted by life’s have-to’s. However, it’s important to continue to prioritize friends and family. Socializing improves empathy and self-esteem and can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
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17. Spend Time Outside
Spending time outdoors makes you happier. It’s as simple as that. Being away from the hustle and bustle of an urban setting helps your mind and body relax and can even boost your immune system.
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18. Find Ways to Manage Stress
Whether it’s taking a hot bath or doing yoga, find ways to reduce your day-to-day stress. Stress is the body’s “fight-or-flight” response to triggers in our lives and when you can’t turn it off, chronic stress can lead to serious health problems.
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19. Pick Up a Hobby
Having a hobby gives you purpose. Diverting your energy into something can relieve stress and improving your skills is satisfying. Not to mention it can add some pizzazz to your life.
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20. Tend to Your Mental Health
Prioritizing your mental health should come above all else. It’s the most integral component to leading a positive, happy life. It’s no longer a taboo subject–talking about your mental health challenges or attending talk therapy can help.