People From Around The World Share Weird Behaviors That Other People Thought Were Normal
People From Around The World Share Weird Behaviors That Other People Thought Were Normal
You ever do a thing that you think is totally normal but then other people see you do it and tell you you're super weird? Yeah, apparently so does everyone.
Personally, I didn't know it was weird to cut your toenails with full-sized scissors until university. But before you judge me too harshly, take a look at some of the weird stuff the people below thought was totally regular. It turns out 'normal' is a very relative word.
50. Wiper no wiping
49. Lack of vision
48. This is a great reason to get divorced
47. How did you not die of food poisoning?
46. Upside down writing
I started writing before everyone else did in preschool and I remember the teachers would help the kids still learning more often than me because they just assumed I had it down. So, that's probably why I was never corrected.
I actually just sampled my handwriting and realized that I do all letters bottom to top. Never realized that it was something that teachers strongly discourage.
I used to have an issue not closing my lowercase "a" when I was a kid so it looked like a "u" that was probably from doing bottom-up. Never realized.
45. The milk man
44. High and dry
43. Soap on a rope
42. Choose between breathing and eating
41. A sight gag
40. Brown rain
39. Poop particles?
38. It's not normal to constantly vomit?
37. He also chases rainbows
36. Wine doesn't normally come in buckets?
35. Waiter: there's a toenail in my soup
34. Two dudes, one brush
33. Overusing underwear
32. The bread basket
The only thing I can think is my friend's roommate might have been either starved as a child or grew up really poor. Hoarding/hiding food like that is usually an indicator. It basically serves as a psychological comfort thing -- she won’t go hungry because she always has the bread, so she keeps it there just in case.
31. This guy really needs help
30. A horror movie plot waiting to happen
29. That's one way to get a diagnosis
Guy had three nuts. Thought he just had an extra ball. We told him it was probably a tumor. It turned out that's exactly what it was.
28. Uncomfortably numb
27. At least they get their Vitamin C
26. If anyone ever treated my pizza like that...
25. Oh my god, the water bills!
24. That sounds like a lot
23. This guy has trouble with liquids
22. Just the (q-)tip
21. This is worse than putting ice in your milk
20. I guess the milk would help with the whitening
19. Bet that shut him up, though
Photo by Pragyan Bezbaruah from Pexels
18. Unbeleafable
17. That's really sad
16. The pants can never touch the underwear
I had a college roommate who had two hampers. One for shirts and pants, and another for socks and underwear. If one wrong article made it into either hamper, the entire hamper was then considered contaminated and he would throw the entire thing away; he'd put on cleaning gloves, pick up the hamper, and take it down to the dumpster and in it went. Clothes and all.
He also scrubbed the shower and toilet before every use, had no eating manners whatsoever (loud slurping, chewing with mouth open, etc.), would frequently yell at people for no reason, and he thought girls were, and I quote, "icky". Oh and he loved to warm up KFC in the microwave and then keep the bones in a drawer in his desk. He was somehow both super clean and utterly disgusting at the same time.
15. Don't let the worms get you
14. Choose better dreams
13. I think she might be a witch
12. You never heard of a spork?
11. Hot dog water
10. I think you married a cow
9. It took me a long time to learn this too
8. The grocery store just became a carnival
7. Lemony Snicket
6. This is why sex ed is so very important
5. Wait, you're supposed to eat vegetables?
4. Who needs towels?
3. The way words taste
2. An enema of the people
1. Clean sweep