School would be a lot more boring without that one kid who sits in the back and makes jokes all day long. Even if they go too far sometimes, class clowns are an indispensable part of the education system.
Some of the people below are class clowns themselves, while others are just witnesses. Either way: here are the funniest class clown stories from all around the world. Here's to the court jesters!
42. Pie-eyed
41. Tales from Latin class
40. A master communicator
39. The blue pill
38. The price is wrong
My friend and I were the class clowns in high school for sure.
Our Spanish teacher was really annoying, so we trolled her all the time. I had a CD walkman (this was the early 2000s) with big headphones that bled tons of sound. So while she was talking, my buddy and I would play the Price Is Right theme. It was loud enough that everyone in the class noticed, but the teacher couldn't hear it over the sound of her own voice.
Occasionally she would stop in the middle of a sentence like she thought she could hear something strange... so we would pause it. Just straight-up gaslighting.
That went on for like three days until our fellow students finally got sick of it and ratted us out. We got detention. Worth it.
37. Costume of the year
Image by Ichigo121212 from Pixabay
36. Love poems from no one
35. That's why they call me 'guns'
34. Technically telling the truth
33. The applesauce trick
32. Mrs. Jerkface loses her pointer
31. He thought this was home economics
30. Wigging out
29. The class clown denies the credit
28. The sword of destiny
27. The only thing I was ever happy to lose
26. Rock around the clock
25. Burn the pounds off
24. The substitute substitute
23. Shout out to the school paper
22. You're literally the devil
21. A farewell to arms
20. Can't trash the 'stache
19. He injured himself for someone in need
It didn't make her laugh, but it did distract her from what was bothering her as she was busy trying to help. So that's a plus I suppose.
18. Cardboard man
17. The hurt locker
16. Throw foodstuffs from the bus
15. A story with two climaxes
14. We didn't start the fire
13. A Burger and fries
12. Losing her religion
11. High school is a ball
10. Everyone loves physical comedy
9. You've been benched
8. Should have dressed like a female dog
7. Funny bunny
6. Just not ready for fatherhood
5. Scissor fingers
4. Was this at Xavier's academy?
3. The great escape
This happened in statistics class near the end of my Junior year of high school, after all the seniors had graduated.There were only about 8 of us left in that class which makes this story even better.
Statistics teacher had his head buried in a book that he was trying to teach us from, and our "class clown" thought it was the most boring thing ever. (In fairness, it was.)
He starts sneaking, sneaking towards the window. Statistics teacher still has head buried in the book, while we all watch him wondering what he will do. He starts going towards the wall, and climbing up the bookshelf. Then he opens up the window and climbs out of the classroom.
Our statistics teacher didn't notice at all. One other classmate writes "THAT WAS AWESOME" down on a piece of paper that we could all see, while all of us were trying to contain our laughter.
This was the last class of the day so most likely he just went home.
2. Mom stands up for the class clown
I almost managed to get through my public education without having any conflicts with faculty. I had never been to detention before I met my grade 12 English Teacher (ET).
I was a notorious class clown in high school, but I always got away with it because I also maintained a 90+ average. No teacher other than ET ever thought screwing with me was worth the trouble. English was one of my best subjects too - we should have been friends! But for whatever reason, she must have decided she hated me before we even met.
It began with her calling me out for things everyone else was doing too. Like, if half the class was talking or goofing off, somehow I was the one who got singled out as the instigator. If there was a disturbance while she was writing on the board, I was obviously the culprit.
On one occasion, she gave me detention (my first and only!) because I accidentally said “erection” instead of “election” while I was giving an answer, and she decided it was clearly deliberate.
Now, I’m not blameless in this story by any means. If she wanted to cast me as the villain, I was happy to play the part for her.
One time, she was collecting money for some charity. Instead of cash, I walked up to her desk and handed her a rubber in front of the entire class.
Another time, she made us fill out this stupid school board questionnaire. (“What do you plan to do after high school?” “What is your preferred career path?” “Where do you see yourself in ten years?” etc.) Nobody took it seriously, nor should they have. Who was ever going to read them anyway?
But when I handed mine in, she read it over. (She didn’t check anyone else’s.) Then she declared that my answers weren’t “specific enough” and insisted that I re-draft them. So I went back and wrote a detailed account of my plan to impregnate a member of the Royal Family and live my life as a Duke-Consort.
That must have been the final straw because, shortly thereafter, she called my mother and demanded a “special conference.” My mom asked me about my relationship with this woman. I explained; she listened stoically and said nothing.
When we went to this meeting (just my mom, ET, and me), ET outlined her “case” that handing her a prophylactic and writing about getting someone pregnant constituted sexual harassment on my part. She threatened to sue if I didn’t apologize.
My mother listened politely. Then, much to my surprise and ET’s too, she unleashed the best chewing-out I’ve ever seen her give anyone - including me!
“If you’re so offended by his behaviour, why have you been antagonizing him? Don’t you understand that all you’ve done is escalate this? Who’s the authority here, you or him?”
“He’ll apologize when you apologize!”
“How dare you threaten me? You work for me! If you want to sue us, we’ll fight you with everything we’ve got and you’ll lose more than your case.”
(I’m paraphrasing - oh, how I wish I could have recorded it!)
To be honest with you, I felt a little guilty. That defence was more than even I thought I deserved at the time. But ET pretty much stopped messing with me after that conference.
1. Carlos pretends he can't speak English