Here's What Parents Were Naming Their Babies For The Past Several Decades
Every year, there's going to be one name for baby boys and one name for baby girls that stands out above the rest. These names are popular for a reason - they perfectly echo the vibe and feel of the era they're in. Let's travel back in time to review some of the most beloved names since the 1930s. As we jump through the years, you're going to notice some pretty interesting changes that reflect the transformations in time.
1. The 1930s: Robert
Robert is certainly a name that makes your baby sound like a refined little gentleman. It gives off an air of elegance and maturity that definitely feels fitting of the 1930s. It's not a name we see as often in modern times, but it feels right that it was such a popular boy's name nearly a hundred years ago.
2. The 1930s: Mary
And what better name to pair with Robert than Mary? For baby girls back in the 1930s, Mary was the top choice for most parents, likely due to its religious connotations. The name itself feels very pure and honest, making it an appropriate choice for girls during that time in history.
3. The 1940s: James
As we move up an entire decade, the most popular baby boy name shifts from Robert to James. Though this name still gives off a classy, gentlemanly vibe that feels very fitting of the 1940s, it's got a timelessness to it that also makes it a continued popular choice. Because of that, we're not surprised to see James at the top!
4. The 1940s: Mary
On the other hand, Mary continued strong and maintained its spot as the top name for baby girls in the 1940s. It feels like a name that's both innocent and endearing, while also sounding a bit old-fashioned compared to popular girl's names nowadays.
5. The 1950s: James
We mentioned how timeless this name is, right? Still seen as the most popular baby boy name in the 1950s, this really demonstrates the power of classic, ageless names. We swear this is one that could work well in any decade!
6. The 1950s: Linda
Finally, a switch! As we move on to the 1950s, it seems like a new name stormed the top of the list for girls: Linda. While yes, you might hear this and think, "That sounds like a name for my mom", you're absolutely right. Given that we're talking about the '50s, doesn't that just mean it's the perfect standout name for this time in history?
7. The 1960s: David
As we slowly creep towards the 2000s, you're likely going to see some of these names sound more and more modern. Case in point: David. You've definitely met a David in your life, and the most amazing thing is, you never associate this name with an age. He could be a grandpa, a newborn baby, or a young teen heading into high school. It's just one of those names that works for all ages, making it one that works for the '60s too.
8. The 1960s: Lisa
From Mary to Linda to Lisa, you can definitely see an interesting trend in girl's names as we get closer to our current time. The names went from mature and old-fashioned to more youthful and pretty! Lisa is the first girl's name on this list we definitely feel sounds a bit more familiar.
9. The 1970s: Michael
As one of the funkiest decades in history, the '70s were characterized by wide bell bottom pants, disco music, and the name...Michael? While it's not the most outgoing and unique name out there, it was still the top choice for parents during this time. And who's to argue? It's a classic name that continues to be popular to this day.
10. The 1970s: Jennifer
And for girls, we've got Jennifer as the standout name of the decade. Thanks to a mix of pop culture influences including the beloved romance movie and novel, "Love Story," which featured female protagonist, Jennifer, the name skyrocketed into immense popularity.
11. The 1980s: Michael
As another 10 years fly right on by, Michael continues to remain at the top. Although the 1980s are significantly closer to us than say, the 1930s of course, it's still a time where people preferred names that are familiar and beloved by the mass majority. This still wasn't a decade where being unique mattered as much.
12. The 1980s: Jessica
Now, how many Jessicas have you met in your entire lifetime? We'd argue you've met several at the very least. This name that continues to be a staple in today's time first started gaining traction back in the '80s. It adds on to the trend we've been noticing with the girl's names as they have started to get more and more feminine with each passing year.
13. The 1990s: Michael
Look, until we hit the 2000s, we're just going to tell you that Michael reigned supreme. There wasn't another name that could take it off its throne! And given how many Michaels there are in the world right now, this isn't the most surprising fact seeing it be so popular for so many years.
14. The 1990s: Jessica
It seems like the '80s and '90s were in agreement about which names were favorites! That's right, just like Michael, Jessica continued to be arguably the most popular baby girl name. And with so many famous Jessicas taking to the big screen in the 1990s like Jessica Alba and Biel, we're sure this contributed to its win as well.
15. The 2000s: Jacob
It's the moment you've been waiting for - we've finally reached the 2000s! And as we enter this new era, you're likely going to see some names that sound a lot more modern and trendy. The first new change we're about to witness is seeing Jacob grow into popularity. Now that's certainly a name that feels less old school and more casual!
16. The 2000s: Emily
And for the girls, in the 2000s, Emily topped the charts thanks to its beautiful and lovely sound. It was an adorable name for any baby girl, one that has cemented itself as timeless and classic.
17. The 2010s: Jackson
It's safe to say that in the 2010s, Jackson took the world by storm. It's the first time we're seeing names growing to become more adaptable, as this is one that works well as both a first or last name. It's got a nice charm to it that makes it easy to see why it appealed to so many parents.
18. The 2010s: Sophia
So soft sounding, Sophia is the perfect baby girl's name for any parent who wants something feminine, sweet, and pure. There's a lovely melodic tune to it that really demonstrates how girls' names have transformed from short and harsh like Linda to gentle and breezy like Sophia.
19. The 2020s: Liam
Finally, we've arrived at our current decade. So it shouldn't come to you as a surprise to see that so far, Liam is the most popular choice for baby boys. It's a friendly-sounding name that's got a nice boyish charm to it.
20. The 2020s: Olivia
Olivia Rodrigo, Olivia Munn, Olivia Wilde...these are just a few big names in Hollywood that demonstrate why this name has taken the number one spot so far in the 2020s. Olivia perfectly fits what most parents look for in a girl's name nowadays - it flows nicely and it sounds pretty.