Your Chinese Family Horoscope: 10 Problematic Parent-Child Combos & 10 Positive Ones

Your Chinese Family Horoscope: 10 Problematic Parent-Child Combos & 10 Positive Ones

Curious about what else your Chinese zodiac animal can predict about you? When it comes to family, your Chinese zodiac can tell you which parent-child combos are likely to get along well, and which are likely to be problematic. It all depends on the traits associated with each zodiac animal, so let's see if they got it right. Do you agree with what your Chinese zodiac says about you? Scroll on to find out!

1. Dragon Parent - Dog Child

Dragon parents and Dog children often face challenges and hurdles in their relationship. The Dragon parent's confidence and dominance can clash with the Dog child's loyalty and need for security, leading to a battle of egos and values. Simply put, these two zodiacs each have strong personalities that just don't mesh all that well together.

Hk 粉嶺 Fanling 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Sen Koon Temple Chinese Zodiac Statues 05 Dragon March 2017 Ix1Moreahongunai on Wikimedia Commons

2. Monkey Parent - Tiger Child

Monkey parents and Tiger children don't always get along, leading to a rather difficult relationship. The Monkey parent tends to have a more playful and sometimes non-serious attitude which can seriously irritate the more authoritative Tiger child. Tiger children prefer having personal space to themselves, a space that Monkey parents tend to invade. As suspected, this can only lead to conflict.

Hk 粉嶺 Fanling 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Sen Koon Temple Chinese Zodiac Statues 09 Monkey March 2017 Ix1Moreahongunai on Wikimedia Commons

3. Horse Parent - Rat Child

Horse parents and Rat children share a difficult parent-child relationship because they often struggle to find common ground. Horse's have a love for freedom and independence that directly conflicts with the Rat's more strategic and cautious approach to things. This lack of mutual understanding and potentially, a lack of respect, will create a problematic dynamic. Each side just wants to do things their own way!

Hk 粉嶺 Fanling 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Sen Koon Temple Chinese Zodiac Statues 07 Horse March 2017 Ix1Moreahongunai on Wikimedia Commons

4. Ox Parent - Goat Child

For this parent-child dynamic, Ox parents and Goat children find difficulty trying to understand each other. Oxes generally have a more practical and structured approach to life, whereas Goats tend to be more creative and free-spirited by nature. This distinct difference in lifestyle choices only causes tension between the two.

Hk 粉嶺 Fanling 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Sen Koon Temple Chinese Zodiac Statues 02 Ox March 2017 Ix1Moreahongunai on Wikimedia Commons


5. Pig Parent - Rat Child

Pig parents and Rat children often face challenges in their relationship due to contrasting life approaches. The Pig's easy-going and generous nature may conflict with the Rat child's careful and strategic mindset. The difficulties arise from the inability to understand each other's side. 

Hk 粉嶺 Fanling 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Sen Koon Temple Chinese Zodiac Statues 12 Pig March 2017 Ix1Moreahongunai on Wikimedia Commons

6. Snake Parent - Pig Child

Snake parents and Pig children unfortunately share a complex and challenging relationship. The Snake parent tends to be more introspective and analytical, which completely clashes with the Pig's openness and love for simplicity. The two are simply too different, leading to lots of potential misunderstandings.

Hk 粉嶺 Fanling 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Sen Koon Temple Chinese Zodiac Statues 06 Snake March 2017 Ix1Moreahongunai on Wikimedia Commons

7. Rabbit Parent - Rooster Child

Another example of a struggling dynamic is the Rabbit-Rooster duo. Rabbit parents and Rooster children usually have difficult connecting and understanding one another. Rabbits prefer harmony, peace, and quiet, which can be unapologetically disrupted by the Rooster child's outspokenness and need for attention. We can only imagine what kind of arguments might arise from this distinct difference.

Hk 粉嶺 Fanling 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Sen Koon Temple Chinese Zodiac Statues 04 Rabbit March 2017 Ix1Moreahongunai on Wikimedia Commons

8. Tiger Parent - Monkey Child

Tiger parents and Monkey children may experience tension when together due to their strong personalities that unfortunately, don't mesh well together. The more strict and authoritative Tiger parent might find the playful and mischievous Monkey child to be too challenging and difficult to contain. Their inability to see eye to eye will likely lead to power struggles and constant disagreement.

Hk 粉嶺 Fanling 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Sen Koon Temple Chinese Zodiac Statues 03 Tiger March 2017 Ix1Moreahongunai on Wikimedia Commons

9. Ox Parent - Dragon Child

Ox parents and Dragon children may often find themselves at odds due to their differing dispositions. The Ox's methodical and steady approach to life can clash with the Dragon child's ambitious and assertive nature. This can lead to a fundamental mismatch in their ways of handling situations and expressing themselves, potentially causing friction in their relationship.

Hk 粉嶺 Fanling 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Sen Koon Temple Chinese Zodiac Statues 02 Ox March 2017 Ix1Moreahongunai on Wikimedia Commons

10. Rooster Parent - Rabbit Child

Facing plenty of challenges in their relationship, Rooster parents and Rabbit children definitely don't have it easy. The Rooster parent has a more critical and outspoken nature than can be very overwhelming for the sensitive, emotional, and introverted Rabbit child. This can be emotional distressing for the Rabbit, leading them to feel closed off from their parent.

Hk 粉嶺 Fanling 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Sen Koon Temple Chinese Zodiac Statues 10 Rooster March 2017 Ix1Moreahongunai on Wikimedia Commons


1. Rat Parent - Ox Child

If you're a Rat parent and your child is an Ox, you can likely look forward to a harmonious relationship built off of mutual respect and understanding. That's what any ideal relationship should look like, right? In this case, the quick-wittedness and resourcefulness of Rats is nicely complemented by the Ox child's steady and diligent nature. 

Hk 粉嶺 Fanling 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Sen Koon Temple Chinese Zodiac Statues 01 Rat March 2017 Ix1Moreahongunai on Wikimedia Commons

2. Ox Parent - Snake Child

Ox parents and Snake children usually enjoy a healthy relationship that's grounded in mutual admiration. As a parent, the Ox has a level of reliability and strength that provides a secure environment for the Snake child to grow. In return, the child is able to bring thoughtfulness, carefulness, and intelligence into the family dynamic.

Hk 粉嶺 Fanling 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Sen Koon Temple Chinese Zodiac Statues 02 Ox March 2017 Ix1Moreahongunai on Wikimedia Commons

3. Tiger Parent - Horse Child

Known for their shared traits of being energetic and outgoing, Tiger parents and Horse children paired together will create the most active and adventurous family. While their mutual love for freedom and excitement creates a strong bond, they do have to try and manage their occasional stubbornness - that can always lead to potential disagreements and arguments.

Hk 粉嶺 Fanling 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Sen Koon Temple Chinese Zodiac Statues 03 Tiger March 2017 Ix1Moreahongunai on Wikimedia Commons

4. Rabbit Parent - Dog Child

Sweet, nurturing, and peaceful, Rabbit parents mesh well with Dog children. Thanks to the Rabbit's gentle and caring parenting style, it'll pair well with the loyal and honest nature of the Dog child. These complementary dispositions only leads to good things; it'll create a household filled with trust and affection. And what child wouldn't want to grow up in that environment?

Hk 粉嶺 Fanling 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Sen Koon Temple Chinese Zodiac Statues 04 Rabbit March 2017 Ix1Moreahongunai on Wikimedia Commons

5. Dragon Parent - Monkey Child

Dragon parents and Monkey children get to share a relationship that's lively and full of fun, an ideal situation for the both of them. Both zodiacs are extremely charismatic and love being in the spotlight; the Dragon's strong and confident parenting style doesn't intimidate the Monkey child, but rather inspires them to be more clever and playful.

Hk 粉嶺 Fanling 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Sen Koon Temple Chinese Zodiac Statues 05 Dragon March 2017 Ix1Moreahongunai on Wikimedia Commons

6. Snake Parent - Rooster Child

Sharing a rather deep and complex relationship, Snake parents and Rooster children get along well together. Both zodiac animals value intelligence and careful thinking, leading to a mutually respectful and intellectually stimulating family environment that both can thrive in.

Hk 粉嶺 Fanling 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Sen Koon Temple Chinese Zodiac Statues 06 Snake March 2017 Ix1Moreahongunai on Wikimedia Commons


7. Horse Parent - Tiger Child

Horse parents and Tiger children tend to share a free-spirited and independent relationship. The Horse's love for adventure and the Tiger child's boldness make them an energetic pair, though they do need to work on understanding each other's need for independence. That's a difficult thing to overcome for any parent.

Hk 粉嶺 Fanling 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Sen Koon Temple Chinese Zodiac Statues 07 Horse March 2017 Ix1Moreahongunai on Wikimedia Commons

8. Goat Parent - Pig Child

Goat parents and Pig children make an excellent pair as they often share a very harmonious and affectionate relationship. The kindness and creativity of Sheep parents matches well with the sincerity and generosity of Pig children. This establishes a loving and supportive home that both sides can feel safe and cared for in.

Hk 粉嶺 Fanling 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Sen Koon Temple Chinese Zodiac Statues 08 Goat March 2017 Ix1Moreahongunai on Wikimedia Commons

9. Monkey Parent - Rat Child

Creating an interesting parent-child dynamic, Monkey parents and Rat children usually enjoy a playful and stimulating relationship. Both zodiac animals tend to be clever and resourceful, and in this scenario, the Monkey's humour and charm is complemented nicely by the Rat child's intelligence and adaptibility.

Hk 粉嶺 Fanling 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Sen Koon Temple Chinese Zodiac Statues 09 Monkey March 2017 Ix1Moreahongunai on Wikimedia Commons

10. Rooster Parent - Ox Child

Rooster parents and Ox children share similar values, which leads to a relationship based on mutual respect and hard work. The Rooster parent's dedication and perfectionism don't hinder the Ox child, but rather, it inspires them. Because they also value stability and perseverance, it leads to a strong family dynamic that's characterized by achievement, high standards, and constant growth.

Hk 粉嶺 Fanling 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Sen Koon Temple Chinese Zodiac Statues 10 Rooster March 2017 Ix1Moreahongunai on Wikimedia Commons