Camping is a wonderful way to score a cheap vacation and get out there and enjoy the beauty of the natural world. But sometimes, when you're lying awake in the wilderness, staring at the roof of your tent, it's hard not to feel vulnerable. Here you are, in the wild, with no internet or phone reception, pre-wrapped in your sleeping bag like a human burrito for hungry bears. And in the peace of the great outdoors, your mind can play tricks on you.
These campers recently took to the internet to share the craziest experiences they've had in the wild. Keep that flashlight handy.
46. Mysterious Voices
We quit camping after this. My wife and I were beginners, and we camped on a lake without scouting the area. In the middle of the night, we woke up to the rumble of thunder. Strange voices and movements encircled our camp. We were too afraid to open our tent. In the morning, we woke up to the sounds of helicopters and police vans. We step out of the tent and we hear "DON'T MOVE!" Police had surrounded us. An officer approached us and said, "You've been missing for 3 days, LET ME SEE YOUR NECKS!" He took one look at us and SCREAMED. We were sent straight to the hospital. After spending 2 nights in Isolation, we were discharged from the hospital and told that they were looking for someone else. It was a sigh of relief, but the fear of those mysterious voices never let us go on camping ever again.
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45. Cubs Win
Girlfriend and I were doing an overnight hike on the north country trail and after hiking some amount of miles, we decided to hang our hammocks and rest. We were hanging about 30 feet off of the trail just snoozing a little when I heard a little noise. I sat up in the hammock a bit and saw that there was a coyote about ten feet away. We locked eyes and it took off. About the same time, something that sounded a bit bigger took off from the other side of us. We packed up our hammocks and kept going. About five minutes down the trail, we came up on a black bear cub and scared it by accident and it took off.
44. Pony Up
43. Boaring Story, Bro
42. Trash Pandas
41. If A Tree Falls
40. The Phantom Of The Campground
I was around 7 or 8 and camping at a site with my family. I had to go pee in the middle of the night. I'm super scared walking alone in the dark to the bathrooms but I walk into the unlit bathroom with just a lantern. When I get in there, I see an old dusty organ just sitting there. Like what the...?! Who brings an organ to a campground, and why would you keep it in a bathroom?! Good thing I didn't have to poop or else it would've been scared right out of me.
39. Feel Like You're Being Watched
38. Poor Unfortunate Moles
37. You Got Beef
36. Flashing Lights
My wife and I were camping in one of the National Forests in the mountains in North Carolina. We were in a campground but not a lot of people there and the spots were semi private because of trees and foliage.
So we had just settled down in the tent and I was just falling asleep when through my eyelids, the whole tent lights up. I jump up and go out of the tent thinking someone is messing around. Not a soul or any noise, nothing.
I go back in lay down, and just falling asleep again, when it happens a second time. Same routine: jump up, check, nothing.
So this time, I lay down but stay awake and have the tent unzipped ready to jump out and catch whoever is shining a light on the tent when it all lights up again. And I saw what was doing it right away. Fireflies were landing in mass on the tent and then they would all light up at once. I guess when I would jump up, they would fly off, then settle down again after I went quiet.
35. Thanks For Warning Us
34. Assassination Attempt
Photo by Rhett Noonan on Unsplash
33. Jersey Devil
32. Pressing Flesh
31. Never Disrespect Me
30. Never Camp Alone
29. Ungrateful Living
In the early 90s, went camping with my girl scout troop. Turns out the Grateful Dead were playing nearby and we ended up camping with a bunch of deadheads. We all shared a common bathroom. We were exposed to lots of new things that weekend.
28. Footfalls But No Feet
27. Bear vs. Train
26. They Always Seem Friendly
25. Real Wildlife
24. Good Thing You Slept In The Car
23. Sweet Escape
22. Dogs Know
My dog absolutely lost it on a nice hike, completely out of nowhere. Like, she was scared for her life, and would have run out into the woods had she not been on a leash. Lucky that she didn’t pull me over and run away anyway. My mom and I are pretty sure there was a mountain lion stalking us, and the dog caught a whiff of it. Pretty scary because we didn’t see anything, and if it had been one of us alone, who knows what would have happened.
21. He Wasn't Hunting Deer
20. Big Kitty
My wife and I were camping alone in a kind of remote area, but there were little campsites made by the parks dept that were flat and clear. We found a great looking spot, but it was right on a lake which I thought was to be avoided. But we were beginner backpackers and figured the parks dept wouldn't make a spot there if it wasn't safe, so we set up camp mid-afternoon.
I was feeling a little beat so I took a short nap while my wife read a book. When I woke up she told me that somebody was walking around our camp site. I looked around but didn't see anything. There were some other camp sites maybe 500 feet away so I figured it was another camper checking the place out.
Late that night, after we'd gone to bed for the night it was drizzling a little rain and I was sort of half asleep. Then I realized that if I listened really closely I could hear someone walking around our campsite, very quietly.
I carefully woke my wife up to get her ready and we listened together. Then suddenly we heard it: it sounded like a cat cleaning itself, then walking toward the tent. It hung around for what seemed like hours.
The next morning we get up and there are massive paw prints in our camp site. They looked just like a cat's paw print, but more like 8 inches across.
19. Yikes. Is That How The Aussie Mafia Sends A Message?
18. The Ritual
17. The Friends Are Multiplying
16. Trust Your Instincts
15. Whistle While You Work
14. All That Glitters
13. Womp Womp
12. Eyes Everywhere
11. Really Hope It Was Just Your Dad Messing With You
10. Which Doctor?
A few years ago I was on a mission trip in Kenya, and we were camping out in the bush for a few days. Pretty uneventful. One night, the moon was either full or just randomly super bright, and it made the sides of my tent kind of transparent to the outside, if that makes sense. So if something were to walk past my tent, I would see its silhouette from inside my tent. You might see where this is going.
I woke up some time in the middle of the night to the sound of quiet feet shuffling near my tent. When I lifted my head up, I saw the silhouette of a person creeping past my tent. He was wearing a large, terrifying looking headdress. My group leader later told me it was probably a witch doctor.
Anyway, I didn't sleep that night.
9. Climbing Angel
My family used to camp in Algonquin Park in Ontario when I was a kid. We used to do a lot of the day hikes with our dog.
The dog was a crazy runner, and would run up and down the trail, back and forth between my parents and my brother and me.
This one trail ended at a lookout. My brother and I stopped to take in the view, and my dog arrived, seconds later, travelling at full speed.
He attempted to apply the brakes, but the momentum carried him right over the edge.
We freaked out. Our dog had just gone over a cliff, and it was a good 50 or 60 foot drop.
I ventured over to the edge to look. My dog had somehow landed on the one ledge that sat about 10 feet down.
Crap. Now what? Any movement, and my dog would fall the rest of the way down. It was a shear face, and no way to get down.
OUT OF THE BLUE, from the trail behind, appears a hiker WITH FULL CLIMBING GEAR. Algonquin is not an area known for a lot of climbing. I've never seen anyone before or since with gear on that trail.
This guy belayed down, rescued my dog, packed up and left. He didn't even stick around long enough to get his name. To all intents and purposes, he just returned to the trail and vanished.
8. Casting Stones
7. As If The Fire Ants Weren't Bad Enough
My whole family went up north on a whim. We get there and every campsite in the state park is already taken. So we end up at this family-owned campsite run by this really weird guy. We are the only ones staying there. Also, the entire campground is overrun by fire ants. We go to sleep with plans to leave the next day. That night, we hear the creepy guy having an epic fight with someone, although we never saw anyone else there. All we can hear is him screaming and throwing things. We were all alone there and super freaked out. We were packed and out of there by 6 AM the next morning.