Why Did We Start Calling Our Kids These Names?
Whether you're a parent with kids or simply an adult who has parents, everyone's heard of these 20 silly nicknames for kids before. While some people go down the creative route to come up with their own, there are some that are just universally popular. How many of these have you been called before or used yourself?
1. Peanut
A popular nickname for kids that refers to their little size, peanut is a light-hearted and adorable way to call your children over. While there's nothing inherently cute about peanuts, it somehow works when you use it on a little human being. They are peanut-sized after all!
2. Buttercup
Whether it was inspired by the angsty PowerPuff Girl or the dainty little yellow flower, buttercup has become a sweet and endearing nickname for kids. It's lovely both in its sound and meaning.
3. Honey Bear
Did you know that honey bears are an actual breed of bear? We're pretty sure that no matter how aggressive your kids are, they're nowhere near as terrifying as these creatures. But regardless of the real thing, honey bear is a nickname that definitely gives us more Winnie the Pooh, cutesy vibes.
4. Sweetie Pie
We don't know how this name came to be, but it's arguably the most common nickname that parents will use for their kids. Sweetie pie or other variations like cutie pie, just come so naturally to us as nicknames. It doesn't really make sense why we'd call our kids pies, but it's definitely adorable!
5. Cutie Patootie
What a patootie is, we'll never know. All that matters is that it sounds cute and lovey-dovey. It makes any kid feel super giddy and happy to be called that by their parents.
6. Bubba
Bubba is simply a fun and silly made up word that's perfect when you're having fun with your kids. There's not a single ounce of seriousness in the name, making it a great one to use when you're just playing around.
7. Snugglebug
It's kind of funny seeing how normally the word bug strikes terror in so many people, but when you combine it with the word snuggle and use it on your kids, it's adorable! Completely made up, it's such a sweet nickname to use when you're cuddling up with your babies.
8. Bean
Normally a divisive food that people either love or hate, when used as a nickname for kids, it turns into something entirely different. Sounding so endearing and gentle, it's common to hear parents calling their kids little beans. And that's what they are, little tiny beings.
9. Nugget
Looks like everyone's love for chicken nuggets has inspired this unique yet cute nickname for kids. The word nugget just sounds like you're talking to a little person, but of course, in a loving way.
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10. Pumpkin
While looking at an orange pumpkin at a grocery store doesn't exactly make us think of cute and adorable things, the word itself is just silly and so lovable. When used as a nickname for kids, it makes us think of round, pinchable cheeks.
11. Monkey
If you've got a silly, bouncing baby boy or girl running rampant at home, we think monkey is the perfect little nickname for them. Evoking such silliness and playfulness in this one word, it'll sum up their entire personality in the best way.
12. Ladybug
If there's one bug in the world that actually looks kind of cute, it has to be the ladybug. They're so small, come in cute little colors and spots, and don't give us the heebie jeebies. That sure checks off everything on our list for an endearing nickname!
13. Silly Goose
Why gooses are considered silly, we'll never really know why. But if you have a little prankster running around at home, we think this is a fitting nickname for them. Silly goose just sounds downright playful and lighthearted. No matter how you say it, it always comes out very lovingly.
14. Monster
While you might be taken aback for a moment by this aggressive nickname, monster actually sounds cute when you pair it with adjectives like little or cute. Besides, we all know little kids can have their not-so-adorable moments.
15. Buddy
It's pretty funny giving your children a nickname that sounds as if you're calling out to an old pal of yours. It's definitely fun and can really show how close you are with your kids when someone hears it.
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16. Cupcake
Sweet like the baked good itself, cupcake just sounds like such a cheerful and loving way to call out to your child. Everything about it feels so positive and happy, something you definitely want your child to feel too.
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17. Honeybun
This delicious sweet treat doubles as a sweet nickname that's perfect for your cuddly cute little kids. It sounds a little nonsensical naming your kids after foods, but hey, all that matters is if they like it and if it captures their personality. And with a name as adorable as this one, we're sure it fits for many.
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18. Slugger
While slugger is a term used in baseball, it's also a popular nickname for kids when playing sports. You'll often hear parents shouting out "Go get 'em, slugger" or "You got this slugger!" at many sport events.
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19. Dumpling
For the little chubby babies in your life, dumpling is the cutest way to address them. Just saying the word makes you imagine round and squishable cheeks alongside a bright, happy smile.
20. Little Lady
While little and lady seem to be opposite words in meaning, when combined together, it creates this funny little nickname for the baby girls in your life. It's definitely a playful one to use, but it comes out so endearing every time.