The 20 Most Popular Baby Names Of 2024 So Far

The 20 Most Popular Baby Names Of 2024 So Far

Curious About What Parents Are Naming Their Kids In 2024? 

Every year, it's fun taking a look at what the most popular baby names for boys and girls are. It's kind of like looking into a mirror of our current society - the names are a reflection of current trends and preferences. While we're not quite finished the year yet, let's take a look at what's topping the charts so far. Here are some of the most popular names being chosen in 2024.

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1. Kai

Over the years, it seems as though people have a growing preference for shorter names. Longer names like Christopher, Cameron, and Harrison are much less common than they used to be. But with an adorable and sweet-sounding name like Kai, we can see the appeal. This three letter name gives off really kind and gentle vibes, don't you agree?

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2. Olivia

Olivia has reigned the charts for many years now. It continues to be one of the most popular picks for parents, and we don't see it slowing down now. Why would it? It's such a beautiful name with a lovely melodic flow to it. We don't know anyone who would complain about having this name!

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3. Asher

This gender-neutral name is a great pick for boys or girls, but it's most often used by parents for baby boys. It's a name that has slowly grown in popularity over the years, becoming one of the top picks in 2024. And with the name literally translating to "blessed" or "happy", it's a fantastic option for your bouncing baby that has a permanent smile on their face.

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4. Ava

Here's another example of how short, three letter names are becoming the norm. Ava is one that perfectly reflects the idea of simple and sweet. It has a very feminine tone to it that works great for any lovely baby girl, making it an increasingly popular choice for parents. 

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5. Ezra

It's hard to explain, but don't you think Ezra has the perfect balance of sounding old-fashioned and modern at the same time? We can easily see it as a timeless name that could work in any era. For parents who love classic picks like this, we wouldn't be surprised if Ezra was at the top of their list - as it is for many out there.

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6. Amelia

Oh, the name Amelia just sounds like beautiful bells ringing. We absolutely adore how this name flows off the tongue; saying it almost sounds as if you're singing! With half of the year already passed, we don't see parents turning away from this one. Amelia continues to be one of the favourites for parents wanting a beautiful and pure name for their new baby girl.

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7. Noah

Don't you love how calm this boy's (or girl's) name sounds? Noah has always been a favourite among parents. We can see it being such a great pick for any baby that has a gentle and sweet disposition. The name also kind of gives off that friendly, "boy-next-door" type feel, wouldn't you agree?

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8. Emma

Thanks to famous celebrities like Emma Stone, Emma Watson, and Emma Roberts, we don't see this name losing popularity anytime soon. Emma just sounds so happy and friendly, it's undeniably a fantastic girl's name that would work so well for many babies. 

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9. OIiver

We consider Oliver to be the male counterpart of the name Olivia. Giving off similar vibes thanks to its melodic, gentle sound, it's not surprising seeing it as one of the top names in 2024. In fact, we'd argue this is a timeless one, a name that will continue to be used over the next several years too.

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10. Charlotte

If regal-sounding names are more up your alley and you don't like the name Elizabeth, Charlotte is a great alternative to consider. The "sh" sound makes it feel so much lighter and kinder, something that seems to be resonating with parents in 2024. It's a wonderful option for your baby princess.

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11. Mateo

Mateo just sounds like a name that belongs to your friendly next door neighbour you can trust. It's a name that just radiates compassion and kindness, so we can see why parents are gravitating towards it. 

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12. Mia

If you're looking for a short baby girl's name and nothing we've listed so far has interested you, give Mia a thought. Though it can be used as a nickname for Amelia, many parents are opting to just use this one instead. Mia just sounds so adorable and cute, it can easily work for many baby girls.

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13. Levi

Levi is a popular name not just for its religious connotations, but also because it just sounds really nice. Although it continues to climb the charts and is proving to be a common choice, there's still something unique about it that makes it stand out. 

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14. Isabella

Isabella is already such a pretty name on its own, but it doesn't just end there. This name comes with a variety of awesome nicknames too! From Izzy to Bella to Bells, there are so many fun ways to play around with this name. So whether you like it because it sounds lovely or because you appreciate its flexibility, many parents are also in agreement.

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15. Lucas

Compared to the other names listed so far, we'd argue Lucas is the first name to give off strong and charismatic vibes. It's got a harsher tone to it, but not in a bad way. It just makes the name have more presence!

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16. Ellie

Out of all the names so far, we think Ellie is the sweetest sounding name yet. And given how popular it is in 2024 so far, we'd say most parents agree with us. Everything about this name just feels so soft and delicate, from the way its pronounced to the feeling it gives off. 

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17. Ethan

Another name that sounds more powerful and commanding is Ethan. Turns out not all parents prefer the more gentle and soft-sounding names! While Ethan does ooze charisma, it doesn't sound harsh by any means. If anything, Ethan is a familiar name that sounds very friendly and reliable. 

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18. Eliana

While most of the names on this list probably sound familiar to you, here's one that might be a surprise. Eliana is soaring the charts, becoming one of the most popular baby names this year. It's one of the more unique picks, which is great for parents wanting a name that sounds different and stands out.

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19. Liam

Ah, the good ol' reliable boy's name, Liam. When in doubt, just go with Liam - you can't go wrong with it. This beloved boy's name has been topping the charts for many years now. Parents absolutely adore how sweet yet manly the name is. It gives the best of both worlds for sure.

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20. Nova

Tell us we're in 2024 without telling us we're in 2024. Nova as a top pick for baby girls? Now that would've been unheard of in the past. Nova is definitely a modern name that's picking up speed with the crowds. It's not really a timeless one, but it's certainly trendy and can be a nice pick for parents wanting to go down that route.

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