Let's switch it up today to explore the most wholesome memes on the internet. You'll find nothing gross, offensive, or dirty here, just sweet and heartwarming memes that will light up your heart. So if you're in the mood for something good today, keep scrolling and enjoy all that these adorably wholesome memes have to offer.
Photo by Brian Lundquist on Unsplash
1. When Being Tall Comes in Handy
We always knew that being that tall would come in extra handy one day! What a way to make a point. We hope the council finally fixed that darn pothole!
2. You Go, Dad!
What better role model could we ask for? Dads everywhere around the world, this is the kind of guy you want to be.
3. Cat's Spot at the Table
"We don't want a cat" will always turn into "I would do anything for this cat." C'mon, who doesn't love animals?!
4. The Best Friendships
It's true that sometimes, the best friends in your life are the ones that change you for the better. There's nothing that builds a stronger friendship than one where you grow together!
5. Never Ending Laughter
One of the greatest feelings in the world might just be uncontrollable laughter - especially if it's with one of your best buds. Who doesn't love feeling happy and carefree?
6. Never Too Old
Photo by @WholesomeMemes on XNever let anyone tell you you're too old to do something you want. You want a Spiderman birthday party at 42? You go do that!
7. A Useless Coworker
Your new coworker sure may be useless, but we can't deny how adorable they are. Besides, we're sure they'll come in extra handy when you need some support to get through the day.
8. Man's Best Friend
We seriously don't deserve dogs. They're just the sweetest pets ever and this photo alone proves it.
9. Bike Gang
Photo by @WholesomeMeme on XNever let that childhood wonder die! If you find other people who support what you love, something amazing and fun is bound to happen.
10. The Only Type of Friendship You Need
Never settle for friends that don't support you or your goals. You want to be around people who encourage you, motivate you, and grow with you. Those are the friendships that last and make you a better person too.
11. Cute Lil Puppers
Need we say more?
12. It Wasn't Me
Looks like this cat knew it messed up and wanted to avoid consequences at all costs. While it looks pretty obvious to us, we can definitely respect the effort.
13. Take A Breather
Look, there is a lot of terrible stuff going on in the world right now so let's just take a breather and appreciate these two adorable bunnies holding hands. Always look for the good during these times of hardship!
14. A Great Flight Attendant
MemedroidMoral of the story? Look out for other people when they need help and spread the kindness.
15. 110%
Now that's what we call a great recovery. We sure hope you got the job after that!
16. Have a GREAT Day
A good day always starts with a positive mindset!
17. Good Vibes
Good friends get along no matter what! Sometimes opposites can attract!
18. An Adorable Sight
Photo by @WholesomeMeme on XNo commentary here, just an adorable dog to make your day.
19. New Friend
Sometimes something as small and pure as this photo is enough to make your day. We hope this adorable dog making friends with a little bird is enough to make yours!
20. Just In Case
Photo by Ta3vex on MemedroidEveryone needs the mentality of this little boy! Maybe we should all be carrying around some confetti in our pockets.
21. The Best Teachers
Always appreciate and be grateful for the little things your teacher does - especially when it's coming out of their own pocket! Besides, pizza and pop is the best combo, no?
22. Graduation
Congratulations to the best boy ever! That look on his face tells us he definitely deserves it.
23. Birthday Lunch
We could all definitely learn a little compassion and kindness from our kids sometimes. This little boy's actions proves that right here.
24. A Kind Gesture
This bagel store is doing it right! Always pay it forward when you can.
25. Always Be Polite
Photo by @RespectfulMemes on XThere you have it folks, you can never go wrong with being polite. This little adorable frog is the perfect example of that.
26. Short Term Memory Loss
Photo by @RespectfulMemes on XHey, if that counts as being a good friend, that's all that matters! Your secret's safe with me.
27. All Progress is Good!
Never downplay your achievements and always celebrate the little wins. Just take it from Mr. Incredible here, progress is progress!
28. Check, Mate
Photo by @RespectfulMemes on XThis one's hilarious and polite at the same time. Only works in Australia for sure!
29. The Wandering Cat
Don't worry! Your cat's not lost, he just had some plans for the day.
30. Starbucks Queen
Photo by @RespectfulMemes on XHey, the Starbucks menu is pretty confusing to be fair! At least you've got your expert girlfriend to help you out.
31. Grandma Knows Best
Grandmas just always know the right thing to say or the right thing to do in any given situation.
32. Split Personality
Photo by girlurges on Instagram
There's nothing better than being with someone who is able to fully be themselves around you. That's how every relationship should be!
33. Patiently Waiting
Photo by memes_for_my_boyfriend on InstagramPatiently waiting every night for the "I'm home" text to make sure my partner is home safe and sound. That goes for friends too!
34. Wholesome Gordon Ramsay
Don't be fooled by his demeanor on Hell's Kitchen or Master Chef! Gordon Ramsay's got a heart of gold in there.
35. Getting Older
That's the energy we hope to give when we turn 60! Hoping to celebrate every birthday with happiness and excitement!
36. Me Too!
Come on, let the dog in the photo too! It feels 10x more complete with him in the photo anyway.
37. Boxes Are The Best
Unfortunately, cages just don't pass the vibe check and cats know that very well.
38. Let's Hang Out
You know you're best buds with someone when you can spend time together in complete silence but still enjoy each other's company.
39. Wait A Minute!
This adorable little dog is just stopping by to give you this friendly reminder. We hope this makes your day!
40. The Best Helper
We may not know what we're doing but we're going to do our best to help! We're here for moral support if anything.