Buckle Up, We’ve Got Mind-Blowing Realities
“Women aren’t funny.” “Women are terrible drivers.” “Women love to shop.” It’s time to nip these incorrect—and frankly annoying—stereotypes in the bud. But don’t worry, we have plenty more to disprove.
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1. Women Are More Emotional
No, women are just better at expressing their emotions. To be honest, neither side wins with this belief. Emotional men and women are equally dismissed—just for different reasons. That said, we could easily pinpoint stereotypical sore spots for men (ahem, sports, ahem).
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2. Women Want Marriage
Some women indeed confront their partners with an ultimatum, hence the “shut up ring,” but plenty couldn’t care less about marriage. Not every woman wants a door knocker diamond and most are perfectly happy to live their lives as is.
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3. All Women Want Kids
Women are often branded as motherly types, but some have no interest in child-bearing. Some don’t even have maternal instincts—and that’s okay! This harmful stereotype has not only impeded medical care but also unfairly assumes that women’s lives are incomplete without kids.
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4. Women Are Better “Homemakers”
Given that women were confined to the home for decades, it’s easy to see where this belief stems from. However, things are much different now. Women openly chase after goals and aspirations, many of which don’t include running the dishwasher.
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5. Women Need Emotional Connections
Bonding is nice, but not every woman needs one before intercourse. Casual encounters are just as enjoyable for women, and this belief that emotional connections are a must is simply untrue. So long as everyone consents and is comfortable, time in the boudoir can just be a fun night.
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6. Women Love Shopping
Contrary to popular belief, some women hate shopping. You have to peruse multiple stores in a busy outlet mall, try on clothes, talk shop with employees—the whole thing is rather overstimulating. Some women just want to grab what they need and get out.
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7. Women Crave Relationships
Just like with motherhood, not every woman wants a relationship. Some are perfectly happy to stay single and do whatever they want, go wherever they please, and spend money however they like. After all, the single life is total freedom!
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8. Women Care About Aging
Not only does society pressure women to stop the clock, but they also shove expensive products in their faces. Not every woman cares about aging—it’s often only those around her. Plenty are happy to age gracefully without a $600 skincare routine.
9. Women Hate Each Other
Women butt heads with each other the same as men. The real difference, however, comes from their camaraderie. From feigning friendship to scare off creeps at the bar to always having backup tampons, women truly look out for each other.
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10. Women Can’t Be Strong
Women are just as capable of building muscle. In fact, plenty dedicate their free time to lifting weights and sculpting their physique. Dismissing women are “weak” is not only offensive but also untrue.
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11. Women Want Attention
Believe it or not, a woman’s appearance isn’t for anyone. Women aren’t interested in being catcalled because they dyed their hair. They don’t want phone numbers just because they’re in a red lip. They do it for themselves!
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12. Women Are Bad Drivers
Nope. Statistics actually show that men cause more accidents every year. Men are also likelier to engage in more dangerous behavior like speeding or impaired driving. So…something to think about.
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13. Women Aren’t Funny
We’re unsure where this stereotype came from, but it’s simply not true! Women are funny every day—they make their friends and family laugh, plenty are successful comedians, and most have at least one dad joke in their pocket.
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14. Only Women Gossip
A little gossip here and there is normal for anyone, not just women. Most importantly, a lot of women don’t even want to engage in office drama—they’re just roped into it.
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15. Friendly Women Are Flirting
It’s time to stop misconstruing women’s kindness as romantic interest. It’s also time to stop getting upset if she isn’t overly kind, which apparently makes her “cold.” Between a rock and a hard place, huh?
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16. Women Aren’t Handy
Strap on a tool belt, ladies—and no, not for those greasy calendars. Women can have just as much DIY knowledge as men. Some men may scratch their heads in the aisles of Home Depot. Either way, gender has nothing to do with handiness!
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17. Women Are Gold-Diggers
The everyday woman has no interest in your money. The everyday woman likely has her own job, perfectly capable of providing for herself and funding her hobbies. Most don’t care who pays for the first date either.
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18. Women Are Bad With Money
Speaking of money, women aren’t notorious shopaholics either. In fact, studies have some pretty interesting statistics—the average man has more debt than the average woman and credit scores are comparable among genders, though men’s are slightly higher.
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19. Women Can’t Lead
Women have a hard enough time climbing the corporate ladder, they don’t need their leadership questioned, too. They’re just as qualified to run the show, perhaps even more so. In fact, recent studies show that women possess better leadership qualities.
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20. Women Exaggerate Pain
This insane belief has plagued women long enough. From not getting proper medical care to incorrect diagnoses, women’s pain is ignored more often than you think. Plenty of studies show just how frequently women are denied pain relief or forced to find new physicians.