We're Tired Of Hearing It!
While we all love our parents and turn to them for advice or guidance, there are a couple of things we wish they could tone down a little. From pressuring us to get married, finding the right partner, or choosing a good university, they just can't help but comment on these aspects of our lives. Here are 20 things we wish parents would stop pestering their kids about.
1. Getting Married
One of the biggest pet peeves many children have against their parents is constantly being told to get married. When you're in a relationship, it should never be up to anyone other than the couple to decide when to tie the knot. It can be a lot to deal with when parents keep pressuring their kids to get it done, especially if they're not ready.
2. Having Babies
And even once you do get married, the nagging never ends! Many parents also pester their kids to give them grandchildren, ignoring what the couple has to say for themselves. Having children is a serious commitment that should only be done if both partners are ready and want it. It's never something you want to rush into - shouldn't parents know that themselves?
3. Parenting Skills
And if you do have kids, it doesn't end there. Your parents always seem to have a say on what you do, even when it comes to your own personal parenting style and techniques. They just can't help but throw in a couple of comments about what they would do instead.
4. Doing Laundry
When you were a kid, do you remember how often your parents would nag you about doing your laundry? It's as if they've always got an eye on your room and are constantly spying on the hamper. Is it full? Is it halfway full? They always seem to be in the know.
5. Getting As In School
Even if they're not the ones studying, parents always pressure their kids to achieve the highest scores. While getting that motivation can be beneficial, they don't have to make it sound like if you don't get As, you won't succeed in life! They don't consider how other factors like struggling with different teaching styles or ADHD can impact your report card.
6. Choosing Wealth Over Passion
The most frustrating thing any teen might deal with is being told by their parents that they shouldn't pursue what they love. What's with parents and focusing so much on money? Ignoring passion and interest might just set them up for a disappointing career they don't enjoy. It can also feel very hurtful being told by parents that what you love isn't good enough.
7. Buying A House
Buying a house is no small feat and takes plenty of patience and time. So why are so many parents trying to rush their kids into becoming homeowners? Owning a house comes with a lot of responsibility that can't be brushed off so lightly. It's a big step to take in anyone's life - so do it at your own pace, not because someone is pressuring you into it.
8. Losing Weight
Parents can be confusing when it comes to weight. One second they're telling you you're not eating enough, the other, they're telling you you've gotten a bit fat. Even if they can't make up their mind, they shouldn't be commenting on your figure anyway, especially if it's just because they want you to fit into their beauty ideals.
9. Getting A High-Paying Job
Money, money, and more money. As you get older, it seems like your parents can only comment on one thing: how successful are you going to be in the future? It's all about encouraging you to become a doctor, a lawyer, or businessman. And once you've finally entered the field, it's always about moving around to find the better paying job.
10. Switching From Being A Lefty To A Righty
For some reason, there are parents out there that hate the idea of their children being left-handed. Whether its due to Asian culture, personal belief, or not wanting to be different, many parents pester their children to switch hands at a young age.
11. Finding A Boyfriend/Girlfriend
Dating is definitely a tricky subject when it comes to parents. One moment they're completely against you dating, the next, you're too old and need to find a partner asap. Once you've reached a certain age, it's like a switch clicks in our parents' brains. It's almost as if they're in a rush to find you someone you can marry so you can have kids.
12. Not Being As Successful As Their Sibling
Every kid hates it when they're compared to their siblings by their parents. While most children already feel very competitive with their brothers and sisters, having parents make comparisons themselves only makes things worse. It can easily ruin a child's self-esteem and make them feel lesser than.
13. Doing Their Homework
How many times did you hear "Did you finish your homework yet?" from your parents while growing up? If that just triggered some memories from the past, we wouldn't be surprised if you're feeling a little annoyed right now. No matter what day or time it was, it seemed like your parents would keep asking you nonstop. It's almost as if they didn't trust you to take care of it yourself.
14. Going To A Good University
While yes, schooling is very important, some parents place far too much emphasis on where you go. Some think that if you go to a prestigious university, it means you're set for life and will be guaranteed success. The rest of us kids know that this isn't true though; it all comes down to personal work ethic. No one is given free passes in life!
15. Being Too Introverted
There's nothing wrong with being too shy or introverted, sometimes parents just don't understand it's not something we can change about ourselves. Whether it's trying to force you to play with other kids, make play dates, or go out with friends more, being social just isn't for everyone. We hope that's something parents can start to understand.
16. Teens Don't Get "Stressed"
It can really be a struggle trying to get parents to understand that teenagers experience stress and can become depressed and anxious too. Just because they're not full grown adults yet doesn't mean they don't deal with stressful situations at school and in their social life! Instead of repeatedly telling them that "they're fine" and "it's no big deal", it's a better idea to take them seriously and listen. Never tell your kids their emotions don't matter.
17. Being Athletic
We're pretty sure almost all parents share a dream of having a superstar athlete in the family. At least, it can sure feel that way when parents constantly pressure their kids to join sports teams or clubs to test out their abilities. It can be a little much though, especially if the child isn't particularly interested or doesn't enjoy playing it. Don't ignore your child's wishes just so you can live out your own.
18. Sleeping Early
While it's important that you get enough sleep at a young age, it's a bit strange having your parents still nag you about sleeping early when you're older. Whether you're staying up to study, playing games with friends, or just prefer being a night owl, there reaches a point when you should be able to have control over your own life.
19. Sleeping In Too Late
On the flip side, some parents pester their kids about sleeping in too late too. Listen, sometimes our bodies are tired and we need to give it some rest. There's nothing wrong with catching some extra Zs on the weekend and allowing yourself time to mentally reset. Parents need to see that it's not always a bad habit.
20. Doing Your Bed In The Morning
If you told us that the end of the world would be stopped every morning by us doing our bed, we'd believe it given how aggressively our parents pester us to do it every time. For us lazy kids who love spending the day lying down, we're going to mess it up soon anyway, so is there really a point?