Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Love is the foundation of every long-lasting relationship, and there are many sincere ways to show your partner how much you care. Whether that means making your wife breakfast or sending your husband flowers—thoughtful gestures, both big and small, strengthen your love.
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1. Warm Hugs
You might think a kiss is the way to go, but nothing shows the depth of your love like a warm hug. According to scientists, hugs for extended periods, such as 20 to 30 seconds, release Oxytocin, which boosts happiness hormones and strengthens bonds.
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2. Plan a Surprise Date
Whether you're returning the favor or have heard about an event you know they'll love—show initiative and plan the perfect date. Put them first and pick out a restaurant that offers their favorite cuisine or book a movie you heard them talking about. Everyone loves a surprise.
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3. Help Around the House
It's time to ditch traditional norms. In a perfect household, the chores would be divided up 50/50. But even if this isn't a perfect household, you can cut your partner some slack and do a chore you know they're dreading. Now that they have a little extra free time, they can spend it appreciating all you do for them.
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4. Breakfast in Bed
Breakfast in bed is a classic romantic trope for good reason. Break out the tray and arrange their favorite treats, whether that be avocado toast or pancakes. Show them they're the first thing you think of in the morning.
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5. Leave a Note
Notes of affirmation are a sure-fire way to bolster your love for one another. Leave sticky notes in their briefcase or around the house. You can even try that bathroom mirror trick so the first thing they see when they step out of the shower is how much you love them.
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6. Hold Their Hand
Let the whole world know you love one another by holding their hand. Seeing just how confident you are to be seen as a couple is a great way to affirm their feelings and broadcast your own.
7. Kiss on the Forehead
This is another tender and sweet way to convey the depth of your feelings. A kiss on the forehead is far more emotional than a passionate one on the lips. It conveys vulnerability and lets the other person know how safe they are with you.
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8. Pack Them a Lunch
The stomach is certainly one way to the heart. Preparing a meal shows them just how much you love them, especially if you take the time to curate their preferences or pack extra carefully. Just watch out for jealous co-workers.
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9. Share Their Interests
Everyone has their passions and interests, and indulging in your partner's is a great way to show you care. Listen to them talk endlessly about snowboarding or YouTubers. Even better, start engaging in their hobby. Whether that means watching their favorite show with them or going to the next group meeting.
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10. Buy Them a Gift
Of course, you buy them presents for their birthday and holidays—but there's something so romantic about unexpected gifts. You don't have to break the bank to get them a little treat here and there. It could be a stuffed toy, a matching bracelet, or even some funny socks.
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11. Play Their Favorite Song
If you're a talented musician or simply have control of the car radio—opt to play their favorite song to surprise them. They'll be so impressed you remembered and will begin to associate you with that song. It's a win-win all around.
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12. Hold Doors
Treating your partner with politeness and respect is a surefire way to their heart. Anyone can take the lead and hold doors, it's simply a way to show them you care.
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13. Give Massages
After a long day on their feet or a back-breaking nine-to-five—massages are a great way to help them relax and destress. If your partner considers physical touch or acts of service their love language, this is a great way to show your love.
14. Recreate Your First Date
Remind them of those first-love memories by recreating your initial meeting. Show them how fondly you remember them and give yourself a chance to improve any past errors. This could be the start of another romantic annual tradition.
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15. Send a Subscription Box
Nowadays there are a plethora of subscription boxes on the internet. Find one your partner is sure to love—like Japanese snack boxes or curated book boxes—and sign them up. This could be a one-time deal or a long-term subscription, but either way, they'll love the surprise.
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16. Draw a Bath
If your partner needs some relaxation, offer to draw them a bath. But instead of opening the tap and plugging the tub, take it to the next level by setting up a bubbly bath bomb, a tablet with their favorite show, and some easy-to-eat snacks. Turn that bathroom into a sanctuary.
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17. Buy Their Favorite Snack
The next time you're picking things up from the store, snag their favorite chocolate bar or candy. You can leave it on their desk or sneak it into their coat pocket—imagine their surprise and adoration when they find it.
18. Frame a Photo
Make your love a part of the decor with a framed photo. Not only does this capture a key romantic memory, but it puts it on display for all your friends and family to see.
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19. Send Flowers
Both men and women can enjoy flowers—so there's no excuse when it comes to sending a bouquet. You don't have to go with traditional roses either, there are so many fun and creative options. This way you can pick a flower to define your relationship.
20. Be There
Keep it simple. Being there for your partner—at their high and low points—is the sincerest expression of love. In modern times, it's almost as if people are replaceable. Show your partner the unconditional depth of your love and be there.