These Stereotypes Are Old News
Most gender stereotypes are as outdated as fax machines and beehive hairstyles. From men’s lack of feelings to women’s math skills, these are 20 gender norms we need to take out of the equation.
1. Men Shed No Tears
“Suck it up and take it like a man!” Society’s pressure on men should make everyone ball their eyes out—it’s just not healthy. Crying isn’t a gendered emotion and nobody should bottle up their sorrows, it’ll only lead to bigger problems. Open the floodgates, boys!
2. Women Can't Drive
Forgive us, but how on earth does this make sense? No science shows a woman can’t handle a steering wheel. Driving ability has no connection to gender whatsoever, case closed!
3. Men Can’t Do Housework
It was only normalized in the old days because women were expected to stay home while their husbands worked. What else were they supposed to do but take on all the chores? With all genders in the workforce nowadays, men should know how to work a washing machine or a vacuum cleaner without relying on mom.
4. Women Have More Emotions
This stereotype likely gives you all the feels––angry, sad, frustrated, and confused. Women don’t have more emotions, society just allows women to show them while forcing men to lock theirs up. The world is a better place when men can show their true, vulnerable selves.
5. Men Are Very Aggressive
If you’ve never seen a woman lose her cool, we’ll eat our hats. Not all men are aggressive, not all women are gentle, and behavior depends on many factors. If men are always expected to be aggressive, much greater problems can arise.
6. Women Can’t Do Math
You don’t have to pass the algebra exam to understand that being a woman doesn’t reflect your capabilities. Men don’t naturally have better mathematic skills, just like women don’t always cook well.
7. Men Only Think About The Bedroom
Many women enjoy intimacy as much as the next guy. Movies have influenced this stereotype, often portraying males as narrow-minded characters trying to get into girls’ pants. Your gender won’t influence your taste whether you prefer vanilla or something a little spicier.
8. Women Should Always Look Good
Society may disagree, but we think it's ladylike to forego makeup or toss on a pair of sweats after a long day at work. The societal pressure to look attractive can be hard on women’s mental and physical health. Now, as for personalities—that’s hot!
9. Men Should Be The Breadwinners
Women can take home the bacon, too! It’s okay if wives make more than their husbands—it’s not a competition and it shouldn’t matter. When the term “househusbands” becomes as common as “housewives,” we knew we reached equality.
10. Women Are Born Nurturers
It’s a turn-on when handymen build relationships as well as a deck. Some men can be more loving and caring than some women and vice-versa. At the end of the day, it’s not a matter of gender at all.
11. Men Shouldn’t Parent “Like A Mom”
If a man can’t push a stroller without judgment, we’re not progressing as a society. We shouldn’t divide parenting roles based on sex or gender. Dads should earn their “World’s Best Dad” tie on Father’s Day, after all.
12. Women Are Weak
Let’s only use the phrase, “You throw like a girl!” if we’re complimenting a girl’s nice pitch. Strength is determined by physical and mental abilities, not by gender. We dare you to ask Serena Williams to an arm wrestling competition.
13. Men Can’t Be Victims Of Abuse
The unfortunate truth is that all genders can be attackers or victims of abuse. It may be more common for women, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen to men, and we shouldn’t let them suffer in silence either.
14. Women Are Naturally More Polite
News flash—women are more often taught to be polite than men are. They’re told to cross their legs, never use a curse word, and hold in their burps. It’s not natural, it’s learned, and politeness should be taught to men and women alike.
15. Men Are Better Leaders
Oprah wouldn’t tolerate this stereotype and neither should we! Leadership skills aren’t determined by your gender but by your ability to lead and manage with success. If this stereotype was running for office, it shouldn’t win your vote.
16. Women Should Be In The Kitchen
Cinnamon rolls, not gender roles, are we right? The stereotype that women belong in the kitchen is old-fashioned and frankly, offensive. Cooking is a learned skill and men are just as capable.
17. Men Are Better Techs
Let’s try not to mansplain why this stereotype is technically wrong. Just like previous examples, technical skills are learned and not gifted naturally. You can find women and men equally qualified to use all kinds of technology.
18. Men Are Less Fashionable
The fashion police called, they want this stereotype back. From athletes to movie stars, there are many iconic fashionable men. Challenge any male designer with this tacky statement and they’ll laugh in their perfectly tailored suits.
19. Women Aren’t Built For High-Pressure Careers
Some women thrive in high-pressure environments. Anyone could crack under the weight of stress, but a woman’s mental strength can often be as high as her pain tolerance.
20. Men Should Be The Dominate Partner
There’s a lot of pressure for men to take the lead on everything in a romantic relationship, and it leaves a lot of women unheard. If your boyfriend ever says, “She’ll have the salad,” you should run (to the closest pizza shop). Equal dominance in a relationship often works best, unless consensually agreed upon.