Helpful Tips for Parents Dealing with Picky Eaters

Helpful Tips for Parents Dealing with Picky Eaters

Being a parent comes with plenty of challenges. If you’ve got a picky eater at home, you likely know it can be a tricky and sometimes frustrating task. Whether your little one refuses anything green, rejects anything new, or hates crunchy foods, mealtimes can quickly turn from a peaceful gathering into a messy battleground. But don’t give up! There are practical, proven strategies that can encourage your child to have healthier eating habits while also getting them to embrace a wider variety of foods. In this article, we will explore three helpful tips that will help you deal with the fussiest of eaters.

1. Introduce New Foods Slowly and Gradually

When dealing with picky eaters, patience is key. Abrupt changes can easily overwhelm a child, preventing any progress toward trying new foods. It’s much better to introduce new tastes and textures gradually. Start by incorporating a small amount of new food alongside familiar favourites. It doesn’t have to be the most exotic, crazy delicacy, it can be as simple as trying to introduce a new vegetable or a different preparation of a known food. If you repeatedly expose them to this new food in a safe, non-threatening environment, it often results in acceptance over time.

It’s also worth remembering that preferences can be shaped by repeated exposure. Research has shown that a child might need to try a new food maybe 10-15 times before they develop a preference for it. This just reinforces the idea that you need to be patient and persistent. Let them explore food at their own pace, without pressuring or forcing them to eat it.

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2. Involve Children in Food Preparation

Children are naturally curious and love being involved in adult tasks. This curiosity can extend to cooking too! Engaging your child in meal preparation gives them a sense of ownership and control, making them more likely to try what they’ve helped to make. As the saying goes, can’t let all that hard work go to waste!

If you’re planning on giving your child small tasks to help in the kitchen, always start simple. Younger children can start by washing fruits and vegetables or setting the table.


As they grow older, they can move on to more complex tasks such as stirring, measuring ingredients, and eventually, cooking under supervision. This is also a great opportunity to educate them about different foods and their nutritional value. Let them touch, smell, and explore all the different ingredients. If they grow more curious about it, they might ask you if they could try it!

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3. Creative A Positive Mealtime Environment

It’s incredibly crucial that you establish a positive mealtime environment especially if you’re dealing with a picky eater. Feeling unnecessary stress or tension can reinforce negative attitudes toward food, turning mealtime into a chore rather than an enjoyment. This just means you should try to avoid any power struggles. Let your child have some control over their eating habits, like choosing between two healthy options or deciding how much they want to eat. Make sure you always reinforce good behaviour like trying new foods with praise and positive attention.

Another good idea is maintaining a routine. Regular meal and snack times provide children with a sense of security and predictability. Don’t let your child graze throughout the day - if they come to the table hungry, they’re more likely to eat whatever’s being offered.

Finally, be a good role model!


Children look up to adults for the right behaviour to follow. If you show them enthusiasm for a variety of foods, including vegetables and fruits, your positive attitude can help influence your child’s perspective and make them more willing to try new things.

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Although dealing with a picky eater can be a stressful task, all you need is a bit of patience, persistence, and a positive approach to make your life easier. Using these three helpful tips, you can broaden your child’s palate. Just follow these simple strategies and you’ll be on your way to peaceful mealtimes soon!