20 Simple Ways To Tell A Guy Is Into You

20 Simple Ways To Tell A Guy Is Into You

It’s tough sometimes to know when someone’s interested—you don’t want to make assumptions, but you also don’t want to appear aloof. Well, it’s time to end the guessing game because we’re here with a few quick telltale signs!

1. Consistent Communication

Guys will always keep in touch when the mood is right. From constant texting to lengthy in-person conversations, you’ll never second-guess his interest if he goes out of his way to chat with you. 

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2. Extra Effort

“If he wanted to, he would” is a popular sentiment among couples and it’s a good thing to remember that men go the extra mile when they’re invested. Regular chatting is one thing, but offering to help you move or sending flowers to your house is the above and beyond we all look for.  

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3. Remembers Things

When he stores little details, you’ve piqued his interest. Anything from remembering your favorite food, a book you read in childhood, or even upcoming plans is a good indicator he cares about you. The smaller the detail, the more brownie points for remembering. 

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4. Supportive

Sharing goals with someone can always be a little nerve-wracking, but the right man will support you. Even if you don’t know each other well right now, having his support from the jump is always a good sign of genuine interest.

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5. Frequent Compliments

There’s a big difference between fake compliments and authentic ones—and authentic ones are a telltale sign he’s into you. Complimenting your smile or your taste in music is way better than hearing you have a “rockin’ bod.” 

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6. Makes Excuses to See You

We all want to spend time with people we like, but it’s a classic sign when men make excuses to be around you. Time together extends far beyond dates, too! You know he can’t get enough if he just “happens to be in the area” or wants to borrow chapstick.

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7. Offers to Help

Helping you build that IKEA shelf or set up your wifi is just another excuse to hang out with you—and if he jumps at the chance, you know he’s interested. Big jobs, small jobs, it won’t matter so long as he can spend time with you.

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8. Sacrifices Hobbies

When it’s for real, men put in the effort. It’s always a good sign if he sacrifices TV time or puts down the controller to chat with you. This isn’t to say he should give up what he loves, but if he voluntarily carves out more time for you, it’s time to kick your feet. 

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9. Plenty of Eye Contact

We all hate it when some creep eyes us across the bar, but it’s a whole other ballgame when our crushes do it. Prolonged eye contact not only means he likes what he sees but also that he’s legitimately interested in the conversation. 

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10. Asks Questions

Guys who care want to know everything about you. Thoughtful follow-up questions or further inquiries into things that matter—like your hobbies or goals—show he wants to peel back all your layers. 

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11. Thoughtful Gifts

While it would be nice to get showered with gifts immediately, thoughtful gestures are far more meaningful. Surprising you on a date with your favorite flower or simply buying a candy bar you like means he not only listens but also cares. 

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12. Gets Nervous

It’s hard to keep the butterflies down around our crushes, and it’s a good sign if he gets a little nervous. Jittery nerves simply mean he cares about your opinion, which wouldn’t happen if he wasn’t interested. 

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13. You Excite Him

Does his face light up when he sees you? Do you nerd out over the same topics in conversation? It’s only natural to get excited around those we like most, and it’s worth smiling about when you’re the cause.

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14. Open Body Language

Flirty touches on the arm, maintained eye contact, and gently leaning in are all classic signs he’s invested. So long as he doesn’t clam up like a turtle in its shell, pay attention to the body language—it’s often one of the quickest ways to gauge interest.

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15. Wants to Know You

We’re not just talking about your career or interests! We’re talking about childhood memories. We’re talking about fears and lifelong goals. The deeper the question, the bigger a sign that he wants to know all about you. 

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16. Protects You

Chivalry isn’t dead, and it’s always a good thing when your crush has a little. From walking on the side of traffic to making sure you get home safely, an interested man won’t shy away from protecting you.

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17. Real Smiles and Laughter

If you’re with someone who brings out your pearly whites, you’re with someone who wants to see you happy. Guys looking to advance the relationship always find time to make you smile. 

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18. They Make Plans

Radio silence after a date is never a good feeling, but he’ll jump at the chance of future plans when he’s into you. Even if he has to cancel last minute, a man who's truly invested will reschedule. 

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19. Different Clothes

If you notice that he’s dressing a little nicer or wearing his finest cologne, you know you’re in the clear. After all, we all want to look our best for the person we’re trying to impress!

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20. There’s No Confusion

At the end of the day, the right guy won’t make you question the relationship. There are thousands of little ways they show it, but if he’s into you, you’ll know it. 

Alan-Quirvan-Xhcb0Snt9Dc-UnsplashPhoto by Alan Quirvan on Unsplash