We Hope You Kept the Receipt
“Don’t get me anything.” We hear it every year, and every year we’re left to sift through clues or use our best judgment. No more! We’ve compiled a simple list of gifts he’ll love every time—and which ones he can’t stand.
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1. Ties
A tie covered in happy faces may be adorable, but that doesn’t make it a good gift. Men often swim in ties because people don’t know what to get them—or assume they’ll appreciate kitschy clothing. Trust us, this generic gift has been tried but it isn’t true.
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2. Gift Sets
Some gift sets are alright (more on that later) but most come filled with impractical items. The fellas in your life probably don’t need off-brand shower gel or an abrasive loofah. He’ll be much happier if you stick with the stuff he actually uses!
3. Pajamas
In theory, pajamas seem like a slam dunk…they’re more like an airball in practice. It’s better to steer clear unless you know the exact ones he wants. Everyone has their preferences, so opting for a matching cotton set isn’t great for those who prefer a tee and boxers.
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4. Razors
Men don’t mess around with shaving. From sensitive skin to his desired closeness, it’s a delicate process that requires the right blades or even a specific razor brand. It’s one thing if you know he’s running low, but don’t just grab the first trio set you see.
5. The Same Ol’ Thing
We know he mentioned how he likes fishing, but that was nine years ago—he doesn’t need another lure and he definitely doesn’t need another trout keychain. Though it seems safe to stick with a theme, grabbing the same stuff every year piles up and makes it obvious you don’t know anything else about him.
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6. Lottery Tickets
Not everyone plays the lottery, which makes tickets more of a nuisance than anything else. He’ll either earn a goose egg and toss it away or he’ll get caught in the endless cycle of free tickets. All in all, pretty unimaginative.
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7. Flasks
A notorious gift for most men, there’s nothing inherently wrong with flasks. The biggest issue is that everyone else has the same idea. He likely has several already lined up in the den, collected throughout the years and completely unused.
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8. Inferior Items
If something he wants has a steep price tag, don’t buy an inferior version. Plenty of gift ideas keep you within budget. He can then save up for what he wants without having to toss away a worse version of it.
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9. Shoes
A good pair of shoes looks nice, feels great, and can last for years—but only if you find the right ones. Either take him with you to grab the exact pair he needs or skip grabbing them altogether. Most shoes require a test run and the last thing you want is to spend all that money on a pair that doesn’t fit.
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10. Items He’s Picky About
Whether it’s the perfect set of tools or a limited edition model car, we’re all particular about something. Unless you plan to nab the very thing he asked for, keep away from highly specific items.
On the bright side, these next gifts put a smile on just about any man’s face.
1. Quality Socks
Though clothing is touted as a universally hated gift, everyone and their mother benefits from a good pair of socks. Choose between funny patterns, comfortable compression, or even a simple pair of dress socks—either way, you can’t go wrong.
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2. A Good Wallet
Men hang onto wallets like family members, refusing to let them go when the seams come apart or they fade entirely. Gift a new one! If it’s anything like his last wallet, you know he’ll get years of use from it.
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3. Practical Water Bottle
Anyone can bring quality water bottles to work, on camping trips, or to the gym. While they cost a pretty penny, the good ones last for a long time—which is what you want in a practical gift.
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4. Gift Cards
Don’t listen to people who deny the power of gift cards. They’re the safest option when you don’t know what to buy someone. With dozens of options available, you’re helping someone grab the perfect gift for themselves.
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5. Edible Items
No one’s ever denied a good chocolate selection. If you really want to wow him, skip the everyday boxes and head to a chocolatier—they have far more decadent choices and make for a truly sweet treat.
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6. Quality Alcohol
Quality alcohol goes a long way with most men. Assuming he’s at least a casual drinker, a good bottle or wine or a fancy bottle of gin is almost always appreciated. You also know he’ll use it at some point!
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7. Cologne
Cologne can be a little tricky if you don’t know what to look for. But if you know his scents, it's practically a home run. You can even check for similar scents in body washes or lotion.
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8. Event Tickets
Sometimes the best gift is an experience. Whether he’s a sports fan or his favorite band is in town, treat him to a night out! If there aren’t any exciting events around, book a reservation somewhere he loves and treat him to dinner instead.
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9. Subscription Service
Subscriptions are expensive nowadays, which is precisely why he’ll appreciate you picking up the tab. Most packages offer installments as well, allowing you to cover anything from a couple of months to an entire year.
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10. Something Practical
It’s tough to buy for men, especially those who seemingly want for nothing. Paying attention to the little things or checking in with those closest to him gives a better idea of what he’d like. Shirts, bathrobes, BBQ sets, and cook books are all good places to start. Don’t just grab a gift set this year—opt for something he can really use!