Fashion Trends From the 1950s-1990s
Compared to modern fashion trends and styles, the looks from the past were vastly different. From neon spandex to disco glam and poodle skirts, fashion has made so many changes throughout history. So today, let's take a walk down memory lane to revisit some of these standout trends (for good or for bad). Of course, fashion is subjective so what's your take on these looks you might've grown up with?
Image by Victoria from Pixabay
1950s Best: Teddy Boys
The Teddy Boys was a British phenomenon that brought a new distinctive style, reviving Edwardian fashion but with a modern twist. They wore drape jackets, high-waist trousers, and brogues, influencing men's fashion in a way that people never expected.
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1950s Best: Poodle Skirts
Poodle skirts were a defining trend of the 1950s that had a lot of character to them. With their wide circle cut and poodle motif designed onto the fabric, these skirts were often worn by teenage girls, symbolizing the era's fun and youthful fashion.
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1950s Worst: Bullet Bras
Here's a strange fashion piece that came out of the 1950s (and hopefully won't ever return), the bullet bra. Characterized by its wacky conical shape and pointed cups, it left an exaggerated, unnatural silhouette on the female body, making it one of the less practical trends of the decade.
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1950s Worst: Saddle Shoes
Saddle shoes were popular among teenagers in the 1950s thanks to its two-tone leather design, but in present time, many look back on them with less fondness. They were considered too "preppy" by some and became associated with school uniforms rather than a fashion statement.
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1960s Best: Mod Fashion
Mod fashion emerged in the 1960s, characterized by its bold geometric patterns, bright colors, and clean lines. It was an exciting time for fashion, filled with freedom and experimentation. This trend consisted of lots of mini skirts, go-go boots, and androgynous suits, reflecting the era's spirit.
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1960s Best: Hippie Movement
The Hippie movement in the 60s was certainly an interesting one. It was a drastic departure from the traditional fashion trends we'd seen up until this point; it was a style that favoured bell-bottom jeans, tie-dye shirts, and floral patterns. This trend emphasized comfort, self-expression, and a relaxed look, rebelling against the fashion of previous generations.
Photo by Jose P. Ortiz on Unsplash
1960s Worst: Paper Dresses
Meant to only be worn a few times, the 1960s saw the growing trend of disposable paper dresses come to life. Although it was a short-lived trend, it showcased the era's love for innovation. Unfortunately, these dresses were impractical and incredibly uncomfortable, making them one of the decade's worst fashion choices.
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1960s Worst: Vinyl Clothing
Vinyl clothing, including dresses, boots, and coats, emerged as a futuristic trend in the 1960s.
While they captured the space-age aesthetic of the time, they were often uncomfortable and unbreathable so it's no surprise they quickly declined in popularity.
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1970s Best: Disco Glam
When we think 70s fashion, we're definitely thinking disco glam! The 1970s disco scene sparked a growth in glamourous and bold fashion. From sequin dresses to satin shirts, everything was so eyecatching! This fashion trend was all about shining under the disco ball, encouraging flamboyance and fun.
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1970s Best: Punk Fashion
Punk fashion emerged confidently into the scene as a fashion trend that fought against the mainstream. Characterized by leather jackets, ripped jeans, and band tees, this style was definitely an influential one. It wasn't just about what you were wearing, it was also about expressing oneself.
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1970s Worst: Leisure Suits
Often made out of polyester, leisure suits featured bright colours and patterns, giving men an opportunity to stand out on a day to day basis. Despite their popularity in the 70s, when people look back on them now, they're often seen as a symbol of bad taste. The over-the-top look doesn't quite fit modern preferences.
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1970s Worst: Platform Shoes
Adding height and drama to the 1970s fashion scene, platform shoes were notorious for being difficult to walk in. Posing a risk of ankle injuries, the exaggerated height of these shoes were nothing to laugh at; they were awkward, uncomfortable, and certainly a unique look back in the day.
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1980s Best: Power Dressing
With women gaining more recognition by the 1980s, power dressing became a popular fashion trend befitting of the time. Symbolizing women's growing role in the corporate world, this style included tailored suits and bold accessories, a look that reflected the growing confidence and authority that women held.
Photo by Lance Reis on Unsplash
1980s Best: Athletic Wear
The 1980s saw the rise of athletic wear as everyday fashion, with brands like Adidas and Nike becoming household names. Jogging pants, leg warmers, and headbands were not just for the gym but became part of casual wear, driven by the decade's fitness craze.
1980s Worst: Shoulder Pads
Shoulder pads in the 1980s were intended to give women a more authoritative silhouette in the workplace, but they often resulted in an exaggerated, boxy look. We're not sure what they were thinking with the whole "broad shoulder" look! This trend is frequently questioned and criticized today for its lack of subtlety and unnatural proportions.
1980s Worst: Neon Spandex
One of the more questionable looks from the past is definitely neon spandex. Coming to popularity in the 80s, neon spandex took the form of leggings, bodysuits, and aerobics gear. While it definitely captured the decade's fun, exciting spirit, it's a look that many people often facepalm when thinking back on.
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1990s Best: Grunge
Grunge fashion took center stage in the 1990s, marked by its laid-back and unkempt look.
Straying away from more formal looks to relaxed, comfortable clothes, it was a unique fashion era that stood out. Flannel shirts, ripped jeans, and combat boots were staples of this trend, heavily influenced by the grunge music scene.
1990s Best: Minimalism
In sharp contrast to grunge and other flamboyant looks from the previous decades, the 1990s took on a new approach to fashion: minimalism. This trend highlighted simple lines, neutral colours, and understated elegance. It was epitomized by fashion designers like Calvin Klein and Jil Sander, two iconic names who built their empire off of the "less is more" approach.
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1990s Worst: Frosted Tips
In the 1990s, frosted tips also became a popular hairstyle among men, involving bleaching the ends of short, spiky hair. Although it was a common hairstyle choice back in the day, it doesn't really match modern tastes and preferences, leaving this one that some people look back on with embarrassment.
1990s Worst: Baggy Jeans
The oversized, baggy jeans of the 1990s, popularized by the skate and hip-hop subcultures, may have offered comfort but resulted in a sloppy, messy appearance. Seriously, how do those jeans even stay up? This trend sacrificed fit for size, creating a look that looked more lazy than stylish.